Part 52

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"So... in order to save Pan... we have to do what?"

Tink's eyes widened.

"No! No! No! You are not doing it! No way! Nope! Not going to happen!"


She stopped shaking her head and slowly looked up to meet my eyes.

"If I can save Pan, I'm going to do whatever it takes. What do I have to do?"

She swallowed and I saw that she wasn't just scared that it wouldn't work but that she would lose me, something that even I have not thought about.

"I'll be okay," I whispered, crouching down and meeting her eyes. The beautiful green that I always admired were now filled with fear and full of tears.

She started to sob.

I quickly wrapped my arms around her, knowing that this was always the hardest part of meeting someone, parting with them.

I held her as her tears dampened my shirt but paid it no mind as her body shook with all that she was still trying to hold in.

"Let it out," I whispered.

That was enough reassurance for her.

Her fingers tightened around my t-shirt, clutching it fiercely as more tears and more emotions began to fall out of her.

She was whispering words, ones that I could not hear or understand but I think that they were for me.

This was probably not the reaction or direction of this conversation that she wanted it to go but now that we're here, I think that this was necessary.

"Your.... Heart..... give.... Him...."

I looked down and saw her already staring at me. Her cheeks were damp and her eyes red and puffy. Her nose had some snot coming out of it but I paid it no mind.

"I have to give him my heart?"

She nodded, let out one more tear, and then wiped herself down, trying to maintain her composure.

"Okay," she mumbled, more to herself than to me.

"Can I ask for your help," I asked, wondering if she would take the bait.

I would need her for my plan and this was the only I could be certain I could succeed.

"Sure. What do you need help with," she asked, perking up. She probably thought that this was the last time I would see her. I held in my laughter.

"Could you help me get my life back," I asked, a catlike grin on my face.

"What do you mean," she asked. I noticed that her hands had unclenched from her shirt and that even though her shoulders were still tense, her face was relaxed as well as the rest of her body.

I explained to her the plan of how I would survive and how to even save my body in the process. She first rejected the idea but sure enough, she agreed when I said that if it works out okay, she would be able to see me again. Alive.

She even had a few suggestions of her own which I agreed to but continued to debate about how we would do this.

It was wrong, both of us knew that.

But if it worked, nobody would die and Henry wouldn't have to be sacrificed.

When both of us had calmed down enough to believe that we could go back to camp safely, I lifted up both of our bodies and floated from the watchtower down through the forest and into camp.

Felix was there with two plates in hands, filled to the brim with some roasted chicken, baked potatoes, and some grapes.

His face was a stone and he wasn't smiling.

He placed down our plates on the table and left.

Tink looked as though she was ready either to cause hell on earth or to chase after him.

I held her back and shook my head. This was not apart of the plan.

"By the way," I called out, resulting in Felix pausing in his step, "I will save Pan. I give him my heart."

He turned around, eyes wide and fearful.

"It will happen in two days. Be ready by then."

With a simple nod of my head, the plate with my food on it floated towards me, completely balanced as it followed me out of camp.

The plan:

Step 1: Secure my alliance with Regina, Emma, and Hook

Step 2: Get one person in Pan's camp on the inside to know about my plan (Tinkerbell)

Step 3: Make a spell to allow my body to survive for three days without a heart

Step 4: Give heart to Pan

Step 5: Unleash the prisoners and have them take Henry and my body back to Storybrooke

Step 6: Have Regina give me a new heart and erase my memories of Pan and Neverland

Step 7: Survive.

As I walked away, I knew what was next.

Time for a discussion...

That's it! I hoped that you guys enjoyed and I can't believe that 50 chapters have already gone by!! I glad that you guys are enjoying the story! Please let me know you're thoughts so that I can make it better! Roughly 5-10 chapters left and then we're done! See you guys in the next chapter!! I love y'all!!Ta taaaaaaaaa!!

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