Part 62

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-Alina's POV-

The air left my lungs. Someone was screaming. From all the romance books that I had read,  assumed it was either a lover or me.  Or maybe it was Shadow whose cold hands were locking my arms behind my back. 

'Why would he do such a thing,' I wondered. 

I looked ahead and smiled. Peter was here and just a few feet away from me. But Shadow was still holding me back. 

"Let me go," I asked. Shadow did not say anything as he grunted against my pull. 

"I said. Let. Me. Go." 

I yanked my arms forward and he split in two. He immediately regained and organized himself, the shadows coming back to make him whole again.

I ignored his cries as I raced forward, panicking slightly about what the screaming was about. 

I round the corner about to ask what's going on but I pause and turn back around. Rumplestilskin is there, talking to my Peter and I watch as he slowly takes a knife out of his sleeve. 

Emma and Snow look down and I can tell they see it too but they do nothing.

Even Prince Charming, or David, whatever his name is, is standing there with a smug look on his face. 

I run forward, hoping I can make it in time to save him. My lover.

For some reason, Rumple and Peter hug. I slow my steps only for a moment but that was my mistake. 

Rumple takes the knife and plunges it into Peter's back. He screams and cries out, leaning against Rumple without the use of his arm or shoulder. 

Anger is flowing through my veins. I am very much pissed.

Peter turns and looks around only to see me, fuming and running towards him.

He smiles as he falls to the ground. 

I see red after that.

Nothing is going right.

By the time I get over there, I feel Shadow's presence gone. I am not losing my lover. 

Not now. Not in this lifetime. And definitely not in the ones to come. 

I fall to my knees and gently pick up Peter's head, placing it on my lap. He laughs slightly.

I shush him, just wanting him to stay with me. I can feel his life draining and all of his energy fading from the world. I am not going to let that happen.

"Stay with me, okay," I ask, tears forming in my eyes. He softly lifts up his hand to cup my cheek and brings our foreheads together.

"I will never leave you," he vows as he coughs up another thing of blood. I smile sadly and the voice in my head knows what I must do.

"My dearest Peter Pan," I start, the tears overspilling onto his face. "I love you. I will always love you. Maybe I have always loved you before I even realized it. You are everything I want in this world no matter the cost is. I will never let you go and that is something I vow to always keep with me. I am yours. Maybe I always have been. And now, I vow to always be with you, till the end of your days."

He had still and the look of panic in his eyes is great as my body accepts my decision. 

-Pan's POV-

I am losing blood. That I know.

But as I watch Alina and listen to her words, I can feel as though she is saying goodbye.

"-now, I vow to always be with you, till the end of your days," she says, the final tear leaking down her face. 

My hand freezes as my stomach drops. Panic courses through me and I want to tell her no. I want to scream and say that it will be okay. But my mouth won't move and I doubt that she would listen to me anyway.

I watch in horror as she closes her eyes for the final time.

I thought she would die, but she doesn't.

Her eyes snap open and they glow white as if they were two suns. Whoever this was, it was no longer Alina. 

The Alina that was here looks down at me and kisses my forehead. I can hear her voice as the goddess whispers, "I love you, My Peter Pan."

The world glows white as the goddess flies up into the air, carrying me with her. I look down to see Rumplestilskin try and stop her but she seems to have put up a barrier that even he couldn't get through. 

I watch in wonder as the goddess faces me, making me hover in the air a few feet away from her. 

Out of nowhere, two broken strings come soaring and fly into her hands. Once each one was placed in each hand, the goddess carefully lined up the broken strings before taking one more string, out of her body.

It was golden and thicker than the other grey strings in her hand. The grey strings snapped together before the golden string tied itself around the place where they had formed. 

The goddess was close to fading away as her once bright white aura was turning into a dark grey. 

I felt life come back to my body and the wound on my back began to reheal itself along with my damaged heart. 

Once I knew that I was able to breathe and fly again, I soared toward the goddess, trying to part the string again but she had put up a barrier all around herself.

I pounded on the barrier, hoping with every fiber in me that it would break and I could free Alina. But it did not budge. And I watched as she sent back the strings and her eyes turned black. The goddess turned her head back to me and smiled.

It wasn't sad but it was one of goodbye. A single tear dropped onto her cheek as she and I slowly floated back onto the ground. 

Her body gently landed and spread out over the street.

The light flashed once more before I knew the barrier and goddess were gone. 

And maybe even Alina.

I rushed towards her gently placing my hand against her arm, about to pick her up.

I lept back as soon as I came into contact with her skin. 

It was freezing cold.

My Alina... was dead.

Hey guys! I am so sorry that I have not been posting this summer! I know that I keep making promises but if you are still reading this story, I hope you like it and I am so thankful for everything that you guys have been doing!! Thank you so much for you're support and love and I will see you all in the next chapter!! Taaaaaa Taaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!

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