Part 25

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-Alina's POV-

I had mentally high-fived myself the second I had turned my back on Pan. If only he had known that the "simple paralysis" was actually a spell that tightens all of his cells close together so that he can't move until it fades away.

I laughed at my ingenuity and my short stand of confidence. My laugh continued to grow even as I entered the camp. When I noticed that I had walked back to camp self-consciously, I stopped laughing and looked around.

Silence greeted me.

Everywhere I looked, there was nothing there. Devin wasn't positioned at his normal post and neither was Nick. The tents' openings were as still as could be. The ground was untouched and not a single leaf crunched from a shoe and neither did they fall from the trees.

Shouts were faint but could be heard from where I was standing. I turned around to try to pinpoint the exact location but everything heard in Neverland sounded like it was coming from every direction.

I walked around, trying to see where they had gone when I slammed into a hard surface.

I fell back onto the ground and hit my butt on the hard dirt. I glared up at the thing I just hit but I widened my eyes at the so-called thing.

Felix was standing above me, holding out a hand towards me. Something was off about him.

He was smiling.

I checked him over, wondering if this could be a trap in any given form. When I had completed my scan and came up blank, I took his hand gratefully and was swiftly pulled to my feet.

"Thanks," I laughed.

"What did Pan want," he asked. Though he was smiling, his tone was cautious and secretive.

It made me paused my answer for only a brief moment.

"He just wanted to know why I did your tasks this morning."

"Why did you do our tasks this morning?"

I just shrugged. "I was awake and I was bored."

He nodded as if this made sense. Something else was clouded behind his eyes. A question? A response? Something.

"What's wrong," I asked.

He paused. "Would you... Do you want to take a walk? With me?"

This puzzled me. Felix and I haven't really talked but I guess he needed something off of his chest.

"Sure, I guess," I said.

He nodded and lead the way through the woods. We walked in silence and I wondered what had happened this morning to upset him like this.

We reached a small beach a few minutes later and I watched as he sat down on the sat before patting a spot for me next to him.

The water was clear and beautiful and I could see tiny shells glittering the bottom. The waves were calm, just barely causing splashes. The further out I looked, the bluer it got and it was perfect.

Whether I liked to admit it or not, Neverland was amazing.

I sat down next to him but he did not say anything yet. The sand flowed to my movement underneath me and I let my body relax into a comfortable position.

I let my head fall back and allowed my hood to fall and the sun to gently kiss my face. It was a warm day but on Neverland, you couldn't tell whether it was summer or fall, winter or spring. It was always changing and unpredictable.

Either way, I was glad to have a break from Pan and the other Lost Boys, even if I was here with one.

I always took Felix for more of the flirtatious, adventurous type but something was off about his posture.

He wasn't slouching or relaxed but his muscles were clenched and tighten. His hands were squeezing the other until they turned white. His back was straight and still which only made my hackles rise with anticipation.

I waited and waited for something to happen. A change of events because either I did something or said something but no.

I just sat there, waiting, for him to trust me enough and tell me what's on his mind.

"There's something you should know," Felix said, his voice light but cautious as if one false step could ruin his plan.

"What is it, Felix?" I was half worried, half-filled with curiosity at his words but he paused again.

He sighed and turned his body to look at me.

His face was twisted into both a look of disgust and disdain but also a look of helplessness. His blonde hair was matted to his forehead and I had a faint feeling to brush it out of his eyes but ignored it as quickly as it came.

His dark, ivy eyes were filled with a look of desperation and wanting but it looked like something was holding him back from whatever truth that was held behind. They stared directly at me, and if they could, they would sending a shock to my body, causing me to still in my steps.

I could feel my body freezing, solidify into a single position that would not move until the tension had passed. I stared back into Felix's eyes but did not know how to comfort him or if I should. All I could do in the moment was wait to be trusted and waiting was never a good quality that I had.

Something was wrong, really wrong.

"Pan is playing you."

That's all for today!! Thanks so much for reading!! See you next chapter!! Ta taaaaaaaa!!!

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