Part 44

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I never did like pirates.

The second that I saw Captain Hook's ship in sight, the black flag waving above the sails, I knew that I was either destined for death or for victory.

These were not good odds.

Then again, I've never had the better odds.

I quickly secured my cloak again, making sure that the hood was pulled up well over my head no matter what I would be doing.

A twig snapped behind me.

Whoever they were, they were too slow.

I ducked to the ground, my body throwing myself backwards as I landed on my knees just as a sword came over me, just where my back would have been.

I quickly grabbed my dagger from my thigh and tossed it into the man's stomach.

He groaned and fell to the ground, clutching the handle of the danger implanted in his gut.

I took a deep breath but that was my first mistake.

An arm came into my vision, putting a cloth over my mask.

If the guy before was hard, this guy was stone.

I scratched and tore at his arm, producing small grunts from the colossal sized man.

It was no use though.

After a few quick breaths, my body began to slow, my head began to fill with fog, and my limbs grew heavy.

I glared up at the man with my final breath before collapsing and letting the darkness settle in.

-A few hours later-

I woke up with a thump as the ground shifted underneath me, rocking me back and forth.

I sat up quickly, ignoring the pounding headache and quickly looked around at my surroundings.

I was in a ship, that I knew for sure.

I was somewhere in what appeared to be the storage quarters seeing as my body was spread out over bags of flour, sugar, and salt.

The room was dimly lit by a small lantern that swayed at every slight imbalance.

I quickly sat up, inspection myself to see if I lost any weapons.

They hadn't taken the dagger that was tucked into my chest, a spiral copper blade that cut through almost anything.

They hadn't taken my gas bombs and the only reason that I could think of for why they hadn't was because I had cast a small but protective spell on most of the weapons that I cherished.

My cloak and mask was still intact so I was thankful for my quick thinking of adding a protective enchantment to make sure that my identity was concealed until I allow it to become undone.

I quickly adjusted myself and got to my feet. I brushed off my pants and cloak, I checked my surroundings once more, checking just to see if I had missed something.

Something copper gleamed in the distance, silencing my thoughts. I walked towards it, feeling the cool feel of metal on my hand and I turned the door knob and gently opened the wooden door.

It was dark, and it was quiet.

Too quiet...

I scanned the smaller room, nothing seemed to be out of place and a door appeared in my vision, small and practically invisible, but not for me.

I shuffled over to it, making sure that my feet were as quiet as the grave. Not a single board creaked and I refused to let my mind be persuaded that I should go back in the storage quarter instead of trying to escape.

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