Part 36

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Ready or not Pan, here I come!

-Peter's POV-

"Absolutely not!"

"Come on! You need to dress up a little!"

"It's a party! There's no rule saying I have to wear a suit!"

"And there is no rule saying you can't!"

I groaned. I had already agreed with Felix for the past hour and I was getting tired of his voice.



Felix quickly grab a black suit and a black button up shirt as well and layer them before me.

I laughed wearily.

"You remind me of Tink," I remarked.

He froze just as he had brought out a pair of black pants and black slacks.

His arms were held in midair and his entire body was tense.

"What are you talking about," he whispered.

I raised an eyebrow at his reaction.

"She usually makes a big deal out of this. You're doing the same. That's all," I stated plainly.

His shoulders relaxed, just a bit as he layer out the clothes.

,("Go change into these and please knock before you enter. I'll be changing out here," he said.

I sighed and nodded, taking the clothes and shoes in my arms. Felix immediately rushed me towards the bathroom and right before I could yell at him, he shut the door.

I took a deep breath before transforming my dirty outfit into the suit.

It suited me well, I would admit at least that much. Plus, I didn't have to wear a constricting tie.

I combed through my hair, getting out any final tangles.

I gave myself one good look in the mirror before grimacing.

My reflection reminded me of those preppy boys who thought that they were better than everyone.

I let out a groan.

She better look pretty...

I flushed at the thought and quickly erased it from my head.

"Moron," I grumbled as I took another glance at me and my attire.

Like I promised, I knocked on the bathroom door that led to Felix's room and a muffled reply to enter greeted me.

I walked in to see Felix wearing a dark green suit with dark green pants and a white undershirt. Like me, he wore no tie and let two open on display, though there wasn't much that could be revealed.

"Y(ou ready," he asked, glancing up from tying his shoes.

I nodded and watched as he flipped back his hair. It was longer and past his ears but short enough to not past his shoulders. He brushed it well and it looked altmost silky.

Like Alina's...
I shook my head and walked out the door with Felix at my side.

An audible wow was passed between us as we admired what the outside looked like.

LHeanterns were hung up everywhere, illuminating the open area as if it was dawn.

Chairs and tables were set up and our dinner table was brought out of my hut and into the outside air where it was filled with fruit, meat, bread, vegetables, and some sweets.

Boys were setting up drums and guitars, both had been requested from me before.

A young boy with a red plaid t-shirt started running up to me, trying his best to running in blue jeans.

I smiled at Henry's attempt of running and watched and he stopped before us, a smile on his face.

"They're coming," he whispered.

I didn't need to ask him again because I had heard him and known what he meant.

Tink was coming. Alina was coming.

My back straighten as I walked forward into the middle of the clearing.

All the boys who had finished their tasks joined us and the ones who were still finishing up, raced against time and joined up within minutes.

"Is everything ready for tonight," I asked.

Cheers and roses greeted me as my mouth curves into a grin.

"Perfect. Now, what is th-," the lights went out, interrupting my sentence.

A single lantern flickered on in the distance with two figures covered by the shadows.

As they walked closer more and more lanterns erupted in light as they walked, allowing us to see the figures more clearly.

The lost boys gasped.

God help me...

She was breathtakingly beautiful, her hair tucked behind her and then fell gently on her back in loose waves.

I tried to keep my eyes from looking anywhere but her face but I failed.

She had a long v-cut that went down to the end of her breasts and even if she did know it or if she didn't, someone could see the edges but nothing more.

The dress was loose and flowed easily to her every moves.

My eyes traveled down to her legs when I spotted vines crawling up them.

I looked towards her shoes to see that they were dark green like her dress and had a bit of heel to make her taller.

She moved with ease and precise in every step and I didn't even notice how close she had gotten until she was in front of me.

Her grey eyes sparkled as they matched mine but then she turned her attention away.

I watched as she greeted the other guests, taking note that she kept her gaze on Henry and Felix more than anyone else.

I took this as a hint to turn away and inspect Tink. She was beautiful as well but it didn't even put a dent in what Alina looked like.

She was wearing a long sleeved green dress with a medium length v-cut that showed off some of her curves.

She had a three layer dress with one layer in front that covered her knees while the others went behind her like a cape that fell by her ankles.

She was wearing black heels with maybe one or two inches in height but she was no match for Alina or I.

Her hair was tied back in a braid and a high ponytail that finished it off.

Either way, I couldn't help but be a little nervous in the presence of both of them.

A giggle echoed through the clearing.

My body froze. My muscles tightened.

I recognized that voice in a heartbeat.

Wendy Darling had joined the party.

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