Part 61

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-Pan's POV-

-Two hours earlier-

"So... what do you want," I grumbled, crossing my arms over my chest.

"What do you think? I can't have you waltz into Stroybrooke, now can I? All of the little dearies would be frightened, would they not," he chuckled, an unfamiliar look on his face.

"If you really think that a few scared people are going to stop me, then you are surely mistaken," I replied. "Now move it. I need to find Alina."

"You mean, Alina Jones... right?"

I paused on my way out the door.  I turned around, feeling the hairs on the back of my neck rise. 

Something is up.

"What do you want," I asked, keeping my cool and settling into a nearby chair. The dust rose up to meet me but I refuse to cough or inhale it and make myself a fool in front of my son.

Rumplestilskin settled himself into the couch across from me, leaning forward with his hands entwined. "I simply want to fully understand why my father has finally chosen to show his face around here. I hoped that it wasn't just for a girl. But it seems that I was mistaken after seeing how infatuated you are with her."

I clenched my jaw. So he just wants to piss me off. Have it your way then. "Is this because I abandoned you when you were younger? I'm sorry but I couldn't handle that my son was growing up to be a perverted disappointment."

He chuckled and flashed his smirk, my smirk, before leaning back. "Come on now dad. You couldn't expect for me to just be hurt by those insults, now could you? Tsk. I'm ashamed. Truly I am. My father, in all of his immortal glory, has fallen for a girl who is mortal. And not only that but she's cursed too! How brilliant! Truly a match made in heaven! Or shall I say," he leaned closer towards me, " hell."

My blood was rising, hot and fast. I've wasted too much time. I need to find Alina fast. 

I clapped, knowing full well that he was about to get pissed off with my slow taunting. "Well. It has been truly amazing to see you again but right now... you are not important. So if you'll kindly stay out of my way, I am going to go find my future wife."

I got up, brushed off my pants, and was about to leave this crappy thrift shop, that he had been holed up in this whole time when two things of handcuffs snapped down on my wrists. I snapped my head up to see RumpleStilskinwith a smirk plastered onto his disgusting face. 

"Sorry, old man, but that is not going to happen," he chuckled, still with that cheeky grin on his face. 

I scowled. Piece of shit. "Get these off of me, right now."

"No can do. You see, Alina, over there, was able to escape Neverland. Why do you think that is? Not only that, but she was able to be born with extreme power and can show it throughout her life. So tell me, why would I give up a chance to extract that from her body just to hand her over to you?"

I concentrated on my magic, feeling it flow through my veins. It must've looked like I was frustrated when Rumplestilskin laughed. 

"Oh! You thought you could use magic? Ha! Those cuffs don't let you use magic no matter what you try. So, come on! Try to blast me!"

I chuckled. "First, you threaten my wife. Now, you threaten me? "

He slightly laughed. "I have to start somewhere, don't I?"

I scowled and watched him. "You really are a piece of shit," I growled. 

He smirked. "Thanks for the compliment, Father."

I shivered. 'Don't even think for one moment that I even consider you to be my son.'

He smirked. "Well well well, would you look at this? My poor dad is trapped by his own son."

I smiled. "You really haven't learned anything, have you?

He paused. "And what would you be talking about now?"

I smirked and yanked my hands apart from each other. The cuffs snapped off my wrists without leaving so much as a mark that they were there before they flew over to Rumplestilskin's wrists and snapped back into place. 

With the magic now flowing freely, I flicked my finger and smiled in delight as Rumplestilskin launched into the wall behind him, covering himself in dust and debris. I stalked over, feeling power coursing through my veins and knelt down infront of him.

"You are truly a child," I sneered. "You're lucky that I'm not going to kill you right now. Alina must be waiting."

He laughed and spit out blood. "She's never going back with you."

'Don't kill him. Don't kill him. Don't kill him. Don't kill him,' I repeated inside my brain.

I stood up and brushed myself off. "Let's hope that we don't cross paths again."

I flipped the sign from opened to closed and locked the door behind me.

I looked out onto the deserted town and became to walk. 

Not here. 

Not here.

Not here.

The frustration was killing me as I checked the fourth street. 

Thankfully, there were at least people on this street. 

The hope I thought I had, disappeared immediatley, when I saw their faces. 

Charming, Snow, Regina, Swan, and even Rumplestilskin ad managed to beat me here. 

'But maybe Alina's here...'

I ignored all other thoughts and went towards the trap.

They glared at me as I got closer and Regina and Swan looked on the verge of murder. 

'Maybe I should join them...'

"Where is she," I asked, giving them my best smile. 

I saw shivers run up and down their spines. I bit back my chuckle and waited for my answer. None came.

I shot them a blank stare. "Where is she? I will not repeat myself again."

Rumpestilskin walked forward. "You're not getting her. I already promised that, did I not? She's not yours. Never was and never will be."

I grabbed him by the collar of his shirt. "I did not come here for you to make empty threats. I came here to get my wife back."

He chuckled. "You think you're so smart, don't you? Living for four hundred years and you seem to know everything. Well guess what? You lost."

"What to you-"

A knife sunk into my back and I fell against him. 

A voice rang out in the silence. A comforting voice. A familar voice. One that I had been missing. 


I looked towards the voice and there she was. She was beautiful. Scared and crying. And perfect. 

My salvation.

My angel. 

My lost girl.

My Alina Jones.

That's it guys!! I'm so so so sorry tat I haven't been active recently but I hope that this makes up for it. There will be  a fight scene and a smut scene coming up and also a death scene so please continue reading! I'll try to be more active. Just got out of the hospital!! WOOHOO!! Anyway, I hope that ou guys enjoyed this chapter and I will see you all in the next one!! Ta taaaaaaaaaaaaa!!

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