Part 18

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Where are you Alina?

-Alina's POV-

I had left the tent after Pan had sat down and was quickly climbing up into my tree. Though I did not reach for my bag, I just stood there standing on a branch.

I sighed, releasing my tension from my body.

I took a step forward, not underneath my foot. Branches began to move out towards me and I walked safely on their support through the trees.

I was walking in the air until what felt like forever as I came upon a cliff, the cliff that I had spent my first two days in Neverland.

I smiled as the sun cast a warm light over the water as I walked down from the trees.

The second my feet hit the ground, the trees branches disappeared back into their original position.

I sat on the cliff's edge and watched the sunset move slowly over the water.

The air was a little salty but was refreshing as I listening to the sounds of crashing waves and birds chirping.

I turned my head to look down over the edge. Sharp rocks jutted out of the wild ocean and waves that came and went quickly.

I smiled at the slight disturbance and stood up.

I haven't done this in forever.

I readied myself in position before I ran and leaped over of the cliff.

My body soared through the sky but it only lasted for a second as gravity took control. I was now plummeting towards the ocean and it's crashing waves. The salt taste in the air began to become more clear as I neared the wild waves.

I looked up. I was headed straight first into the raging ocean.

I smiled and continued to concentrate.

Right before my body was impacted into the sea, my abilities sparked to life.

My body was soaring upwards, away from the taste of salt and the water droplets that had reached my face.

My body flew into the sky, high into the clouds. If there were birds to be seen, they would have thought I was Pan at the moment.

I flew back over to the edge, doing a loop-de-loop to relish the feeling of flying before I would have to return to the ground.

I returned to the cliff after my little adventure, flipping onto the grass and then walking and sitting down on the rocky cliff's edge, and continued to watch the sunset.

I could feel someone coming closer to me but made no mention of my stalker. A couple minutes later, Henry had joined me in silence and had sat right next to me.

"Are you okay?"

It was more of a personal question that a easy question. As if by my answer, he would feel peace with himself.


He sighed and his body relaxed as it continued to watch and listen to the enchantments of nature.

Another figure was still watching the two of us but I made no mention of that to Henry as he began to speak again.

"Did he hurt you?"

I stared out but my mind was wandering. "No."

He nodded with relief.

"You can come out now," I called. To my left, I could see that Henry looked confused. A couple seconds later, footsteps sounded and then Pan joined us on Henry's left.

I didn't turn my head to look at him but I could feel his eyes on me.

I turned my head towards Pan but kept my eyes on Henry as my eyes caught sight of Peter Pan.

He was stunning.

His dark locks of hair was shading his eyes, his glistening green eyes. He had a define jawline and his lips were slightly tinted. He looked almost calm and peaceful as we watched the sunset together.

My brain began to flood my vision with memories of when he was asleep.

He had secret toned muscles underneath his dark clothes that could not be seen. But that had not caused my brain to recall such memories.

I had seen him shift in his sleep, as if from a bad dream. I had tried to calm him down without waking his up until I decided to use my abilities.

I had placed a solid kiss on his head every day that helped to manipulate his dream into something better.

That had been my job.

I returned my gaze to the sea and sun and we all sat in silence.

I didn't feel moment until Henry had placed a hand on my shoulder. I jumped and moved away, not expecting for anyone to touch me. My eyes widened in horror until I realized that it was Henry who had touched me.

My body relaxed but only slightly as a second later, Henry removed his hand from me.

I could hear shuffling but did not look to see who it was as seconds later I was covered in a warm blanket.

I hadn't realized that I had been shaking furiously and the second I had felt warmth, my legs quieter before stopping. I looked down to see my arm that was red but not bleeding.

I turned up to see Pan looking down upon me.

"Thank you," I whispered. My eyes had not left his gaze as he smirked at me. The same smirk I had seen Shadow do thousands of times when we had met.

He walked down and sat down on my right, filling up the empty spot.

I could feel Henry's gaze look back and forth between us as he smiled. He pulled himself to his feet, causing Pan and I to look at him.

"Where are you going," I asked.

"Just to get some water. I'll be back in a little bit," Henry explained.

"Do want us to come with you," asked Pan.

"No. Don't worry. I'll be back before you know it," Henry said before retreating back into the forest.

I returned my head to the sea and watched as the remaining bits of light of the sun, drifted away.

Though it was by no means dark, it still wasn't dark enough to see the stars.

In the corner of my eye, I saw Pan watching the ocean in silence.

And there we were. Two enemies sitting on a cliff, together.

Once the light had began to fade, I spoke.

"You don't trust me, do you?"

Pan stared off in silence before responding, "If someone came into your home and for a week, take care of you and your house, would you give them your trust?"

It was an honest answer that I could respect for his status. He's made a lot of enemies and must be on the lookout for new ones.

"Probably not."

"You haven't earned my trust," added Pan.

I sat in silence as I pondered this over. I haven't earned his trust? A question was on the tip of my tongue but I would be vulnerable if he answered.

"What can I do to earn your trust?"

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