Part 57

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-Pan's POV-

I officially hate my room.

The blinding lights that flashed right at me every time the lantern above me swung right above me was doing nothing more then causing a migraine.

I looked around my disgusting room and I couldn't help but scowl.

So... I'm dead.

I groaned and tried to sit up, thinking that this must be god's cruel attempt of a joke for still making my chest hurt.

But... why would god make me still have bandages on?

I looked down at where my hands traced the lines where the bandages interlaced and overlapped, taking in the care that was taken to make it not hurt.

God could not have done this. Could he?

I sat up, feeling a dim pain in my chest and...


I pressed my hand against my chest hoping that feeling wasn't real.

But a steady beat pumped loudly through my body.


I yanked off the covers, throwing my legs over the bed, and standing up.

I yank off the flaps of my room, tearing them to shreds as my magic slowly became feral as I stomped outside.

"Where is she," I screamed, echoing my anger throughout the entire island. Some birds races out of the trees into the sky after my scream and I scowled at how all the lost boys just stood their in disbelief.

"What," asked James, clearly one of the most confused ones out of the group. "What do you mean?"

"Where. Is. Alina," I growled, spitting venom.

They shivered.

"Alina is hunting, isn't she," asked Scott.

They all slowly nodded.

"When was the last time you saw her," I spat.

They all thought about this. Their eyes widened one by one.

"Four days ago," they whispered.

My eyes widened and I clutched my chest.

My heart... this heart... felt heavy. But I did not know for sure. I scanned the area.

Three people came up missing.

"Where is Henry," I asked.

"Gone. He disappeared some time ago and we haven't found him since. We searched the entire island too," Isaac reported.

"Then where is Felix or Tink? They don't seem to be here," I grumbled.

Just as the woods left my lips, Felix dropped down from the trees with Tink who gracefully made her presence, in a short green work dress and dark green flats, her hair tied in a messy bun on top of her head.

Felix still wore the same black cloak as usual and even the same brown pants. But he was wearing a light green shirt with slashes shirt in the side and around his neck. His fighting shirt.

I raced over to them, stumbling with the pin that refused to release its grip on me.

"Where is she," I asked, frantic.

They both hung their heads.

"We found no sign of her," Tink said dismayed. "We think that..."

"What," I demanded. "What happened to her?"

"We think that she may have died in the process of giving you her heart," Felix finished.

"And you did nothing," I snarled, "to stop her?! Nothing?!"

They both looked at each other and gulped.

They look like they're hiding something...

"Everyone else leave except for you two," I pointed at the guilty ones. "Meet me in my gut so we can talk."

The boys nodded and disappeared while Tink and Felix took shaky steps to follow me into my house.

I sat down on the wooden chair and offered them to do the same. They hesitated before agreeing and sitting down.

"Now," I said, "where the hell is Alina Jones?!"

They flinched.


"We don't know where she is," Felix answered, staying strong to whatever he and Tink agreed to.

"Yeah," Tink agreed, nodding along.

I scoffed.

"So you have no idea how both Alina and Henry," I paused, letting it sink in, "how they both got off the island without my permission?"

They said nothing and they did not breathe.

I laughed. "So are you really not going to tell me?"

Tink muttered something under her breath and probably not realizing that she said Alina's name louder then the other words.

I slammed my hand down on the table, rising out my my chair and pushing it back.

"Where is Alina," I growled. I pointed my finger dead in between her eyes.

"Gone," Felix declared.

"No shit, Sherlock," I muttered. "Gone where?"

"Back to Storybrooke," Tink said, tilting her head down slightly to hid her eyes.

A shiver raced down my spine.

No. No. No. NO. NO!!

I slammed my fist on the table and walked over to the counter when I leaned against it, facing away from them.

"Why did she leave," I said, making sure to make my voice loud enough to be heard clearly by both of them.

"She gave you her heart but didn't want to cause you anymore damage," Felix replied. He reached into his jacket and pulled out a piece of paper. He gave one quick glance, swallowed, and held it out for me. "She said that when you woke up, and asked where she was," he muttered, "you should be given this as an explanation."

I yanked the paper out of his hands and quickly unwrapped it.

Dear Peter, I hope this letter finds you well. I know that it was selfish to give you my heart, but I wouldn't have it any other way. You are the only one who I can trust with this responsibility. I hope you know that I wish you the greatest health. I will miss you as I depart from Neverland. My home. This was the first time in which I could've belonged to. But it was not to be. Tell Tinkerbell and Felix that I hope they are happy together. They deserve the world and so much more. Peter, it's okay. You deserve so much that I can't give you but I hope you take this, my heart, as a way for you to have a second life. Be safe. Don't come looking for me.
Your friend, Alina Jones.

Something dropped onto the paper. I tried to brush it off, to not have it stain the words in which Alina wrote for me and me only.

"Don't come looking for me," I laughed. "It's too late for that now, darling."

I looked up.

"You said that she's in Storybrooke," I asked.

Tink nodded. I smirked.

"Then that's where I'm going," I said, walking towards my room. I paused, remembering what Alina wrote. "She wishes you and Felix the best by the way."

I didn't hear their replies as I closed the flaps to my room.

"I'm sorry, Alina," I whispered into the air, hoping that she still might be able to here me, "but I can't let go of you yet."

That's it!!! I'm so sorry that I took so long to get this up!! It's really hard to write a love letter or a goodbye love letter!! I hope that you guys enjoy this as much as I have!! I will see you all in the next chapter!!! I love you!!! Ta taaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!

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