Part 5 2/2

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There was one boy that caught my attention. He was labeled as an guest to Neverland and wasn't really a lost boy. He had brown hair and was eleven years old. From what my father could tell, his name was Henry. He was kind and helpful, adventurous and funny. He was like if Peter Pan was actually good. He did not have a best weapon because he hadn't been here long enough to know how to use one.

My attention went away from my book as footsteps crushed on the fallen leaves. I looked down to see a brown haired boy with a bucket. When I leaned in closer, I immediately recognized the boy named Henry. He looked around before dropping a bottle with a note in it off the cliff and filling the bucket in the river before returning to what I thought would be the camp.

I wanted to call out, but I knew better than to jeopardize my position. When Henry was out of view, I turned back to the cliff. With a flick of my fingers, the same green bottle soared up into the air and I caught it easily. I looked around to see if I was being watched. I emptied the bottle and took a look at the note.

It read, "Dear Moms, I wanted to let you know that I am okay. I'm here in Neverland with Peter Pan. He is really nice to me but not to the other lost boys. He says that I am lost as well though I don't know what it means at the moment. Marcus and Nick are really nice and I hope that you will meet them soon. Lots of love, Henry."

I looked up from the note and stared at the cliff. It was already noon and that's when I had realized that I had skipped breakfast. I put the note back in the bottle before I realized I didn't know where this was supposed to go. I quickly scanned the bottle before looking at the cap and seeing the words,


I smiled. I gently kissed the bottle, making sure that it would get to where ever that was in good hands before launching the bottle off of the cliff and sending it off on its journey.

I watched it disappear off of the waterfall and returned my gaze to my journal.

I scrolled through the pages, trying to see if there was anything left but the rest were empty after Henry. I quickly got out a pen and flipped open to a new page. I quickly made a profile of Pan's Shadow and what he looked like. For his personality, I said nice, dangerous, helpful, loyal, mysterious. That was just the basics until I could get to know him better.
I closed the journal and closed my eyes, allowing my mind to process all of the information I had just received.

I rubbed my temple, a headache forming. I quickly look through my bag and found my pills. Yellow, Red, and Blue were scattered throughout the bag as I took out one blue pill and one red. The blue were suppose to help me with my emotions and they did. I had been taking them every day for the last ten years. The red pills were pain killers and those, I always had on me.

I look towards the river and quickly got out my flask. I curled my pointer finger in as if I was asking someone to come closer and water began to lift up and float towards me. I held up my flask and the water pooled into it as if it was a key in a lock.


I smiled and took the pills easily. When I turned back, I realized that it was already dark. My spine straightened in anticipation. The shadow said that he would be back tonight.

A dark figure was in the moonlight but I hid nonetheless in case it was Peter Pan trying to find me. When the figure came closer, I could see that it was indeed the shadow and I crept out from under the shadows.

I was about to say hello when the shadow interrupted me saying, "You need to reveal yourself."

That's it for this chapter!! See you guys next chapter!

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