Part 35

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It has been a few hours since Tink and I have started and I still can't believe what I agreed to.

She worked nonstop as she tried me in dress after dress before settling on doing my makeup first and then worry about with dress to choose.

She finally chose to do a sunny look which reminded me of when I would sit under the sun.

I was allowed to look in the mirror before I got a dress shoved in my face.

I was allowed to look in the mirror before I got a dress shoved in my face

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"Try this on. You'll thank me later," she said before rummaging back through her closet.

I sighed and went to the washroom.

I took one look at the dress and blushed.

"I don't think that this will suit me very well," I yelled.

"Don't talk and just put it on already," she yelled back.

I groaned.

As I slide the dress on, I realized how comfortable it really was.

The straps felt like someone had coated my body with silk and bottom half was flowing and made me feel like a queen.

My fire-like hair matched the dark green dress perfectly and I couldn't help but laugh.

I didn't look like my self but I was so happy that I could be someone else for the night.

I didn't look like my self but I was so happy that I could be someone else for the night

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I smiled at myself in the mirror.

Finally! Something that I look decent in!

I walked out of the bathroom to where I met a glowing Tink.

She had a feline eyeliner with green eyeshadow that brought out her eyes. She was also wearing a green dress but she had long sleeves and v neck cut that came down to the higher part of her stomach.

She had on a three layer dress in which the first layer covered her mid thigh while the other two went behind her legs like a cape.

She was wearing black heels that had about two inches on them.

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