Part 2

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Alina watched as nightfall came quickly. She was in her room, pictures of her family laid on her nightstand next to her blue cotton bed. Alina, herself, was sitting in her windowsill looking up towards the stars.

The moon was barely giving her enough light to see her surroundings. As she got off of the windowsill, she went by to her full-length mirror she saw her outfit. Her top and bottoms covered her arms and legs completely with soft materials. Underneath, she was wearing camouflage sweats with a black tank top just in case of an emergency.

Her long amber hair went by her waist but tonight, it was in a high ponytail with a braid going down the side. Alina looked towards her left to see her emergency backpack underneath her bed, filled with food, water, a flashlight, throwing knife, and other items that she could use in a time of crisis.

A soft thud echoed outside and she turned to see a boy, not a boy exactly. A shadow of a boy. His black silhouette was evident and he had glowing green eyes. She grabbed her backpack before he could do anything but the shadow only stared.

The shadow continued to stare before she sat down on the bed and stared back. The shadow held out a hand, wondering what in the world he was going to do. Alina studied the shadow. It certainly wasn't a normal shadow and it could possibly help her escape from this place.

Alina gradually took the mysterious shadow's hand, the cold feeling of ice swept over her, and soon they were soaring into the air, flying high above the clouds.

She almost screamed but realized that she was already used to this by flying herself. She noted that the shadow was taking her to the second star on the right. Alina almost laughed when she thought of the fairytale of Peter Pan.

A gust of wind made her realize that she was somewhere else. A strange feeling was in her gut as she opened her eyes to see an island. It was indeed beautiful. A forest covered everything except for the edges which were either a cliff, a sandy bay, or a peaceful waterfall.

Something was off as the shadow gently helped me down to the sandy beach. The weird feeling had return. Alina quickly searched for a test subject before her eyes got caught on the moon.

The moon was bright and full but as Alina flicked her fingers, clouds swept es easily over the moon, covering to the point where no light could shine. She sighed. Her powers still worked. She twirled her right hand and within seconds, not a cloud was in sight.

-Alina's POV-

My boots sank into the sand that I would hope to enjoy later as I turned to the shadow.

"Thank you Shadow."

The shadow appeared to smile as it responded, "You're welcome."

I smiled but the shadow looked distressed as it floated towards me. "Can you hear me?"

I looked confused as I slowly responded with, "Am I not suppose to?"

The shadow shook his head vigorously, "No! Not at all! It's just," he paused, "I didn't want to get my hopes up." I tilted my head, curious. He sighed. "Nobody has been able to talk to me except for my," he paused, questioning something, "except for my owner or body or whatever you call it."

I chuckled, "There's a first time for everything, right?" He chuckled. "What is this place anyway?" I looked around, studying the forest in front of me, trying to see if there was an end.

The shadow smirked. "Alina. Welcome... to Neverland."

That's it! See you guys in the next chapter! Ta taaa!

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