Part 26

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"Pan is playing you."

I don't think that I reacted the way he expected because he started to look worried. His face was strained as he did his best to match my stare.


Felix sputtered. Apparently, this was not usual for girls to react like this.

I didn't really care. I knew what I was getting myself into the moment I had met Pan. I had closed off my heart to everyone else in the past and I would do it again if it means I can complete my mission.

He waved his hands frantically. "I know about the deal between you and Pan's shadow. I won't tell anyone. I promise. I just..." He paused. "I just wanted you to know about his intentions before continuing."

I stared at him. Hearing about Shadow made everything feel wrong.

Shadow was a friend. Or so I thought. It seems to be clear that he chooses who might be able to help but this decision was not smart in any way, shape, or form. I was definitely going to have a talking-to with him.

I sighed. Something was off about this entire scene.


He snapped to attention at the sound of his name, his green eyes were alert and prepared.

"What's the whole story?"

Felix sighed. "Where should I start?"

I laughed. "Like every good story, start at the beginning."

He gave a meek smile and took a deep breath.

"The day I had woken up, the day I had met you, I was doing my normal tasks of patrolling the island. When it became dark, I was about to return to camp with a shadow came flying towards me."

I sat up with my curiosity peaked. Shadow was impulsive but going about Pan's best mate? Something must have been going through his mind to make the decision without me.

"I recognized him as Pan's shadow. I had already seen him multiple times before. He floated down in front of me and told me about you."

I raised an eyebrow at his statement. "He told you... about me? Why?"

"I think he was trying to make sure that the plan goes well and that I could help you. Either way, later that evening, I made a bet with Pan."

"A bet... let me guess. To see who would make me fall in love first?"

I laughed at how ridiculous it sounded.

"Yep. That's about it."

My laughter halted to a stop.

"You're serious?"

He just nodded.

I took a deep breath. "Continue then."

"I was asked to make the bet so that way Pan would have to try and pursue you in order for the plan to be set in motion. Trust me when I say, I have no intention of making you and me anything more than friends."

I nod. "I prefer not to have people chasing after me but I will be fine if you do something to encourage Pan. When is the due date for the bet?"

He hummed in thought. "I said that I would ask you out in three weeks. That's probably when the bet will end. We just have to be creative and find wants for Pan to go to you."

I chuckled slightly at his eagerness.

"What," he asked.

"I just find it funny how you are so devoted to Pan that you would pretend to like me in order to score your friend a date. You're a good person Felix. Always remember that."

He smiled and turn back to the calm ocean. He lifted his head in the air as a soft ocean breeze passed by us, giving me a small shiver that ran through my spine.

He chuckled at my coldness and was about to take off his cloak when I shook my head and undine the jacket tied around my waist.

"Thank you, Alina. I just hope that he isn't oblivious to your small actions."

I sighed. "That might be harder than you think. While I am trying to start helping Pan to turn himself back to how he originally was, I am also trying to form a friendship with you and the Lost Boys."

He nods in understanding. "Trust me, I get it. I was the first lost boy here and practically grew up on Neverland with Pan. He doesn't trust easily but I bet even you could get a chance to earn his trust. Just be patient and be yourself."

I scoff at his last words. "Trust me. You would not want to see me as me. You would find it... wrong. Disturbing. Horrifying. I'm better off as this form of myself."

His eyebrows crinkled in confusion. "Why do you not show the real you?"

I paused. I wasn't ready for the truth. Not yet. "It's better to be someone you're not to pretend like you know that there's a tomorrow for you."

His eyes widened. "Alina. Be honest with me right now. Did something happen to you before Neverland that I don't know about?"

His voice was stern and demanding. I paused, thinking about my answer.

I stood up from the sand and brushed off my pants. I was a mix of emotions at the moment and I couldn't reveal that now. I needed to push forward and continue.

"We should get back. I need to speak with Pan's shadow to figure out why he chose you. This talk has been great and I appreciate you for telling me. Thank you."

His eyes soften at my last words.

"For what," he asks.

"For a chance."

That's it for today! I hope you enjoyed this part and I will see you again next chapter! Ta taaaaaa!

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