Part 24

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On a tree with a fairytale, alone, with no family, and no friends.

Pan said nothing to my answer and we sat in silence on the branch. The tension between us rose with every passing second until you could cut a knife through it.

"Why do you run?"

His voice was soft and mellow as he whispered.

I looked towards him and caught him staring at me. His green eyes shone like an alley cat's.


"Why do you run," he repeated.

I paused at his words, wondering.

Why did I run? Because I needed answers? Because I want to get away from my past? Because I don't wish to be alone? Why... I did not know.

"Running is hope for somewhere that I can escape to because when I'm not, I'm trapped, and I can't get out. No matter how hard I try," I answered.

It was true. Every time I stopped in a town, gotten attached, I ended up more broken that before.

Pan nodded and turned back to the sea and the moon sparkles it's light onto the ocean surface.

When I grew tired of the silence, I moved my fingers in the air, causing somnokinesis to consume him.

His eyelids grew tired and he began to slip off the branch.

I caught him just in time before he plummeted to the ground, fast asleep.

I carried him back down the tree on my shoulder, his snores cutting through the silence.

I lifted him all the way back to his tent before setting him back into his bed. He began to twitch and I quickly kissed his head and he moved no more.

I sighed at sat down on the edge of his bed and stroked his head, my fingers gently moving through his thick hair.

"Goodnight," I whispered before leaving him alone with his thoughts and dreams.

-Peter's POV-

I was woken up with a start as my eyes shot open. I hissed at the light before adjusting my eyes to the horrid light.

I froze when my brain caught up to my eyes.

I bolted out of bed and stared at my surroundings.

I was in a room.

My room.

I ran out of my room to a blast of sweet smelling bacon, eggs, and sausage.

Felix and the others were at the dinner table eating and chatting happily about random subjects.

Alina was nowhere in sight.

The smell of eggs and bacon and sausage came closer before a plate popped into the bottle of my vision.

I looked down to see Henry holding up a plate for me. I forced a smile, said thanks, and took the plate from him before sitting down.

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