Part 15

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-One week later-

-Henry's POV-

I awoke slowly from my sleepy as a gentle hand was felt rubbing my head. I opened my eyes to see a red haired woman smiling at me.

I recognized her cold grey eyes from our previous battle and bolted away from her. She did not move but dropped my hand to her side and continued to gently smile at me.

It was confusing for me to see her smiling after everything. My defenses weakened at her attention but my questions were still piling up.

"Who are you," I asked, questioning her to see if she would respond finally. She never once did when Pan had asked a question.

Her smiled brightened if that was possible and I felt my mind trying to find a source for what felt like a hallucination. Here was the person who had taken down Pan and the rest of us and now... she was smiling?! It didn't make sense.

"Well Henry, my name is Alina and I am very glad that you are finally awake," she said, she voice was soft and almost angelic as she spoke.

"You are," I asked. Curiosity was getting the better of me.

"Of course," she responded, her smile brightening.

"You see... you are the first person to have woken up. I'm glad it was you because I doubt the others wouldn't have killed me when they found out that they had been asleep for a week."

I found myself smiling until my mind processed her final words. "A week," I exclaimed. "I've been asleep for a week?"

She nodded politely and smiled. "Don't worry. Everyone is asleep and well."

I rubbed my hand through my head. "What happened?"

"If you remember correctly I had dragged you through the bushes, sorry about that by the way, and had used a gas that put all of you to sleep," she answered, chuckling from time to time.

I nodded as I remembered everything that she said happen perfectly.

"Why are you here?"

Her smile faded but only slightly as she responded, "After you guys had fallen asleep, it was my responsibility to nurse all of you who had been injured in the battle. I had to make sure that the camp was still in working shape and that all of you were okay and back to normal before I leave."

"You're leaving? Why?"

"When everyone is up, I doubt that I would be wanted here." She gave a weak smile.

I looked down. I was placed on my bed with half of my legs covered and half of them uncovered form when I had tried to escape.

"I want you here," I muttered.

She smiled at rose from her chair. "If you want, you can come and help me wake up the boys."

I smiled before tearing my out of the covers and jumping out of bed. My legs gave out immediately and I fell to the ground. In a swift motion, I was in Alina's arms and she was holding onto me.

She laughed. "Make sure that you can walk before doing anything. I'll be outside if you need me."
She placed me on a chair and left without another word.

When she got to the door, she paused. "Put on your shoes before coming out. It's quite chilly and breakfast will be ready shortly."

I nodded and she left. I looked down at my feet, trying to process what had just happened.

I had just met the person who gassed me but it turns out that she's nice and has been caring for us in the last week. Turns out she was a girl this entire time.

Oh, I cannot wait to see Pan's reaction when he sees her.

I smiled at the thought before changing and pulling into my boots before running out of my tent.

When I entered the breakfast room, the smell of pancakes was overwhelming. I saw Alina cooking on a pan, flipping pancakes before setting them on a plate for me.

She smiled when she saw me. "Do you want to eat now or go wake up the boys?"

I looked down at the food before thinking about the others. "We should probably go wake them up. But can I do it after I eat?"

She nodded and set down the pan before walking to table. I grabbed some pancakes and headed to the table when I saw an array of berries, butter, and jam spread out throughout the table. I helped myself to some of all the toppings before sitting down and eating.

The pancakes were delicious and they melted into my mouth as if it was waiting for someone to consume them. The berries and jam had flavor but the plain butter pancakes were as if heaven was on Neverland.

I looked up towards Alina. She was smiling but her eyes looked sad. "What's wrong?"

She sighed. "You're a good kid Henry but I don't think the other boys would forgive me like you did."
I frowned at her words. "You would never know if you never gave them a chance."

She smiled, brightening up the room in the process. I returned the smile.

"Finish your food and then we can go wake up the lost boys."

"What about Pan?"

She looked nervous as she responded with, "I'll wake him up later. Right now, I need all the help I can get."

I nodded, understanding her nervousness. Pan was scary when people defied him but for some reason, he was always nice to me. I wolfed down my food, not wanting to waste time before waking up the others.

I left my plate there, wanting more when we would come back, and left with Alina at my side to go wake up the Lost Boys.

That's all for today. Thank you! Ta taaaaaaaa!

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