Part 17

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(Song above is what she is singing in the trees! Bye bye!)


She was in a tree, high above the camp. Her voice was echoing through the campsite The boys besides me had been watching her, listening to her.
As she sang, I could hear her pour out both her heart and soul into the song. When I listened to the lyrics, I heard a story about Peter Pan and Neverland. It was about being a lost boy.

There was not a greater sound that stopped Alina from singing and as she continued, the trees and island began to sing with her, if that was possible.

When she finished, we were all in awe. Not a single clap was sounded, neither a single word was uttered. Not a gasp or a whisper.

I think that I must have been crying because my cheeks were damp.

I heard her sigh so quietly into the air that I had thought that I had imagined it.

Without hesitation, she stood up and leaped off of the branch. Before I could gasp or process what had happened, she had landed easily and quickly in the ground and stood up.

I walked up to her as she began to brush herself off. Her looked up and her eyes widened when they saw me. I smiled but she did not return it, as if she was frozen in fear that we had caught her singing.

"I'll go wake up Pan," she quickly said before rushing away from me without another word.

I wished I had stopped her as she rushed into the tent and was gone from view. The lost boys crept closer to the tent and I joined them.

The first thing we heard was screaming and shouting. Pan was yelled something but we could not understand what.

It became dead quiet after that. Not a single sound or breathe passed through us as we leaned in to hear the conversation.

Shouting had continued once more when we heard another voice say something to only end up in silence again.

A sound caught my attention and my eyes widened in shock. A sound of skin slapping skin shocked me to my core.

I doubt that Alina would have slapped Pan but Pan... he wouldn't, would he?

I couldn't be sure.

Minutes later of going back and forth from silence to screaming after the slap, Alina calmly walked out of the hut and walked away from us. I tried to stop her but something caught my attention.

Pan had exited his tent, awake and angry.

He walked over to us. I looked him up and down. He was not hurt and there was not a red spot were a slap would be intended.

That could only mean one thing...

The second he got close to us, pure rage took over me.

"What did you do," I snarled. Pan looked down at me. His eyes were filled with anger but he had some surprise in there too. I didn't need a mirror to know that I was furious.

"What are you boys doing here," asked Pan, dodging my question. My fury only continued to boil.

"We were waiting to see how you would react to seeing Alina," replied Felix. He was calm but I could see that he was tense.

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