Part 59

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-Shadow's POV-

It had been a few days since Alina has gone missing and I can't recall the last time I had taken a break in Neverland.

Pan had been working me to death and I couldn't expect much more when my body was sore from flying all around the human world and coming back here to report to him.

My chest tighten as I just passed Sydney, Australia. 

"Great," I uttered, already trying to prepare myself for this conversation, most likely going to involve him screaming at me for being lazy in my work.

I flew back to Neverland, holding my breath as I traveled through space before reaching the ever-so-familiar hut of Pan's.

I groaned before I entered, then bowed when Pan came into sight and tucked my hands behind my back.

"I found her," he whispered. 

My heart stopped. "What?"

"I found her," he paused. "What did you say Alina called you?"

I gulped. "She called me Shadow. Said it was a fitting name for me."

He turned back to the map in his hands. "Yes, well. Shadow, I found her."

He turned his body to give me some room to walk forward and check out the spot he was pointing at. 

I bent forward, getting a closer look at the name. 

I gasped. "Are you sure?"

He nodded. I bit back my tongue. 

"Why the hell is he so cocky today," I thought, wishing that I could punch his perfect face before I check out if this was true. 

"Are you sure that this place is correct? You do realize that your son dwells here," I said, trying to understand why the hell Alina would be in Storybrooke. 

"I'm positive that she is there," he growled, glaring at me. "If not, Neverland will be painted red with fairy blood."

I shrugged. "Whatever you say, Pan. Just don't cause a scene like you did last time."

"Uh uh uh," he murmured. "I'm not going immediately. You are."

"Ohhhh no. Nope. Never. That's a you thing, not a me thing. Not in a million years. She is your love. Not mine."

I was extremely against this. 

"How dare he put his stupid relationship problems on me," I thought, frustrating myself even more with this situation. 

"You are going," Pan threatened, "to Stroybrooke or else I will cause you a week worth of pain. Your choice."

"That isn't even a choice," I muttered.

"What was that," he questioned.

"Nothing," I sighed. I scratched the side of my head. It's going to be a long day. "Fine but I am only doing surveillance. Nothing more, nothing less."

'If only I could tell him that I already found her. Maybe then he would be a little bit nicer to me. Then again, when I first found her, he was trying to call me back to Neverland immediately. Thank goodness I could make it back to Sydney before departing otherwise he would have tracked my location.'

"Fine. Fine," he agreed, brushing off the thought quickly. "As long as you find her."

"Of course, Pan. I haven't failed yet."

"Yet, is the downfall of all who use it," Pan argued. 

"Yes, it is. Now," I paused, trying to get out of this room as fast as I could, "I will go look for Alina."

"Okay," he sighed and went back to looking at the map. 

I flew out of the hut as fast as I could but was stopped when Devin called for me with the other boys by his side. I flew back down, gently resting on the ground to be the same height as Devin. 

For a shadow and Devin, the height difference was clear, by about two feet.

A seven-foot monster and a short human, not much to compare but it was fun to see Devin try to stand up to me.

"What do you want," I questioned, folding my arms across my chest. 

"Have you found Alina," he asked. 

I looked around 

All of them were waiting for news about Alina. Pan probably hadn't told them anything and remained locked in his room, stupid boy. 

"We have located where she might be and I am checking it out tonight. By tomorrow, we will learn more." I leaned in closer and the boys gathered around. "I already found her but when she saw me, she looked confused. I think that she lost her memory."

"But you found her," Liam whispered. 

"Yes, I did."

They smile and you could see a slight tear in all of their eyes. 

If I could hug them, I would.

"I have to go or else Pan will suspect something. Don't tell Pan or else he might rush and not understand anything, okay? He could hurt her if he doesn't realize that she forgot everything."

They nodded and ran off, laughing slightly in different directions. 

I smirked. 

'You are all way too excited. She could very well die, you know? Come on, Shadow! Don't think like that. You won't let that happen and if it does, Pan will kill you. Just stay positive!'

"Stupid," I muttered and flew off into the sky. 

"Wait for me, Alina," my words blew through the air. "Your devil is coming for you."

-Alina's POV-

"Either someone is talking about me or my ears are just itchy," I murmured as I scratched my ear.

That's it! I'm sorry that I haven't been posting but school is complicated and I might be transported to the E.R! Fun, right? Anyway, I hope that you guys are having a fun day and I will see you later!! See you, in the next chapter! Ta taaaaaaaaaa!!

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