Part 64

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I woke up in the morning and immediately regretted doing it. I groaned and placed a hand on my lower back. 

'He really did fuck the life out of me.'

I looked over at where Peter was laying but instead of seeing him, I saw messy blankets and nobody. I looked around and saw a note nearby. I flicked my fingers and it shot at me before gently laying on my lap. I smiled as I read it.

'My Dear, Alina,

I am only going to be gone momentarily. (Tink says that you prefer smart men.)

I'll see you later, love. I have a surprise for you later on so please give me the honor of having you as my date tonight. 

If you say yes or no, just write it on the card and I'll find it later. (Please say yes!)

Tink will help you with the dress if you are up for it. 

Yours forever,


I smiled and got up, covering myself up with one of the many blankets on the ground. Wrapping and tying it around my breasts and heading to the living room where Tink was seated, waiting for me. 

She smirked. "Had fun last night, darl'?"

I groaned. "You really did plan ahead for everything. How's the plan coming along?"

She sipped her coffee one more time before handing it off to me. "He's had this prepared for months now. You know, you really have the worst timing."

"Is that because Felix is too much of a coward to fuck you?"

She blushed and turned her head. "Is it that obvious?"

"I love you but Felix is a nincompoop. You need to be the one in charge if you're going to get anything from him. I thought you knew this already."

She sighed. "I know. I know. But I still think that he should do it." Her eyes widened. "What if he's having regrets? What if he doesn't want me anymore? What if-"

I shook her body back and forth, practically flinging her around like a rag doll. "Are you an idiot?"

She groaned once I stopped and ran to the sink and threw up. Her legs gave out and there she was. Sitting on the floor, slight tears in her eyes. 


"Get up. I doubt that you want to look pathetic and miserable in front of Peter. Now get up."

She got up and dusted herself off. Stretching from side to side and you could hear all of her joints popping, expanding. By the time she was done, she looked a little bit taller as well. I walked over to her and examined her while wiping her mouth off with a rag and making sure that her makeup wasn't ruined. 

"Now," I asked. 'What is the surprise that I'm supposed to be getting ready for with you?"

She squealed and ran me back inside the messy room before turning me around to face her. 

"We're going to a ball!!!"

"What are you talking about," I asked, confused.

"Did I stutter? Come on. I'll help you get ready!"

I sighed as she spun me around again to face the mirror. Tink muttered something and then multiple pieces of fabric came spiraling out of nowhere. 

"What color," she asked.

I stared at her and she nodded before putting every other color away except for green. "What look are we going for?"

"Dangerous. Maybe a little bit of sexy."

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