Part 54

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Seeing Pan laying on his bed, his face pale, serene, and the bags that continued to remain a blackish blue, showing me that he was already losing his life, was more frightening than anything I could ever face.

It was time to finish this. Time to end this journey that was waiting for the end.

It was over sooner than I thought, easier too. The blood that I thought would squirt out of Pan's body as I plunged my hand into his chest, reaching for his heart, did not come.

His heart was black and almost dust when I pulled it out. I felt my gut clench and twist into a thousand knots.

Getting my own heart out... that was harder.

The blood refused to stay in, refused to be a part of me as I stabbed my hand through my chest.

It hurts to say the least but that is one way to describe the pain and brush it off as nothing. I could feel screams lodged in my throat and my hand moved before resting on a raging, pumping organ.

It stopped. My heart stopped as I plucked it out of my body.

As I pulled it swiftly out of my body, certain that I have a good hold on it, blow flowed more excessively as it escaped my body's clutches.

My heart was red and slightly big, that was a relief. After seeing Pan's heart, I feared that mine would be black and small.

It was still trying to pump blood but with none listening, oxygen was coming in too quickly.

This has to work. Please let it work.

I slammed down my fist, cradling the heart, straight into Pan's chest.

I step back, my powers quickly healing both of our wounds but my chest still feeling empty.

I could feel my heart pounding inside his body, knowing now that it was time to say goodbye and leave before wasting more time.

I bent down, gently placing my lips against his forehead, hoping for a sense of comfort one last time but only filled with remorse and a strong sense of longing but lost.

I didn't want to be left alone again but right now, this was his turn to be helped, not mine.

'Never yours,' she cooed.

My hand stilled but I quickly stood up, leaving the letter underneath his pillow, knowing that he might be mad or grateful when he finds out I'm gone.

I disappeared out of the room, not wanting to stay in another minute with a sleeping body and a hole in my chest.

I raced through the forest, searching for a body with a red plaid shirt on and blue jeans.

Henry found me first.

"What's going on," he asked, his eyes crinkling with worry.

I didn't have time to explain as I grabbed his hand, threw him on my back like a backpack, and leaped into the air, the wind drowning out Henry's screams in my ear.

I landed with grace when we reached the outskirts of the holding cells when I placed down Henry who was shaking slightly.

"Stay here," I ordered. He nodded blankly and continued to stare at nothing.

I raced into the trees, not seeing much as my hands waved, unlocking the cages all at once, except the one with Wendy in it.

Regina, Emma, and Charming quickly jumped out.

Snow was the last one but thank god she wasn't slow as I stomped back to Henry, slow enough for them to center themselves and follow me.

Henry's expression when he saw his moms was perfect to fill the hole in my chest.

I almost cried. Not really though.

He embraced his moms as they ran forward, showering him with the love and affection I wished I had received.

'Not the time darling,' she purred. 'Or is it your wish for Henry to see a monster?'

I fought back my disgust and walked away, knowing that they would follow me. I clapped my hands and our supplies floated towards me.

My backpack, a bucket of apples, five cloaks, three blankets, five jugs of water, and two pillows.

I had never been more grateful for Snow or David as they passed the load between them, Snow carrying blankets and coats while David carried the water jugs.

I chuckled slightly and nodded my head. The supplies bolted out of their grip, hovering just slightly in the air.

They shot me a scowl, Snow's turning into a look of worry while David looked at me as if I was a threat.

"It's no use to waste your strength with something as worthless as supplies," I called. "It does nobody any good when you are too weak to pick up a sword."

He nodded, understanding.

We reached the beach and I waved my hand, disappearing the allusion that I had cast on Hook's ship.

Hook was standing there, an evident smile on his face as he embraced Emma when she ran forward into a sweeping kiss.

I turned my head and lifted us, leaving the lovers, off of the ground and onto the ship.

The crew bowed at us, whether to me or to the others I couldn't care. I scattered the supplies making sure that only I could find them or get to them until I feel sick.

I walked over to the stairs, feeling my body become drowsy and heavy as I fell into a deep sleep before I could even say goodnight.

That's it! I'm sorry that I haven't been posting but it has been a long week for me! School is crazy and I can't do much with Halloween coming around! I hope that you guys have a wonderful week and I will see you all in the next chapter! I love you guys!! Ta taaaaaaaaaa!!

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