Part 55

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-Regina's POV-

She was harder to spell then I ever imagined.

Even as I watched her sink her claws into her chest and pluck out her own beating heart, I knew that she could already live without a heart if she wanted to.

But yet she still chose this ridiculous situation and terrible plan in order to return and leave Neverland just to get a new heart.

I could not figure this girl out.

I watched from behind a red stained glass window, as her body slumped against the railing of the stairs and her eyes fluttered close.

I smirked.

'You finally did it, huh?'

Shut up. You couldn't do any better.

'Of course I could, darling~ I'm you.'

Not in front of Henry.


I stalked out of Killian's room, where everyone else was demanded questions of why Alina got permission to be on the ship, almost smashing the door down as I exited and stomped off towards her sleeping body.

The backpack that she grabbed was still attached to her shoulders and I knew already that it was cursed. The gas at her waste had a strange aura spreading around it, like almost glowing a bright purple to my eyes.

As I inspected her, I could hear her small whimpers and her desperate cries for someone to save her that I almost contemplated on ending my plan right there and then.


I reached out my hand, purple smoke smocking out of my palm and I twirled my hands and creating a power blast, aiming for her heart.

'Uh, uh, uhhhh~'

An invisible force blocked my blast, ricocheting back at me and sending me flying backwards into a wooden pillar with a thud, my senses jolting as I slumped down the beam.

Screams rang in my ears as Snow and David ran out after hearing the woods behind my back crack slightly and the creak of the sail.

Their worried and rushed words only increased my throbbing headache as I pushed them away and stood up, about to continue approaching Alina when I saw her eyes already watched me underneath her thick eyelashes.

"That was a poor decision," she purred, standing up and stretching out her limbs.

"What the hell are you," I growled, scrunching my eyebrows, trying for the life of me to see how much power this girl truly had.

"Oh dear," she coaxed, her eyes pitch black and crazed. "You wouldn't want her to wake up now, now would you?" She cackled. "And we were just getting comfortable."

I could feel my brain racing but my mouth had an kind of its own. "Who the fuck are you," I snarled.

"Tsk tsk tsk. That's not a very nice word to say, don't you agree?" A piece of metal floated right above her palm, molting into a sliver thin needle. A string from the backpack soared out and already had sown itself through the eye of the needle. "Would it be better to sow your mouth shut, I wonder?"

Hook and Emma stepped in front of me, spreading their arms wide.

"Alina," Hook screamed. "Snap out of it! Now!"

"Why should I," she whined, laughing like this was normal.

Was it?

"I am your father, Alina! Listen to me," he coaxed, taking a step closer. "You're not a monster. You're not a freak. You're not a waste of space. The only thing that you are is Alina Jones. My daughter. You are my blood and when you are my blood, we protect one another." He was now close enough to reach out to Alina and touch her.

"You're safe with me, my little flame," he whispered, reaching out his hand.

Alina was struggling. She let out a cry but her hands flew to her head and she screamed and fell to her knees.

Hook rushed forward but I quickly yanked him back with a tug of my magic. He flew back landed onto me and pushing us to the ground.

He groaned and quickly sat up not wanting to waste any time sitting when he could be helping Alina.

But she was gone.

The ship was rocking back and forth, thunderously, making me wonder if mermaids had come to take us overboard.

But it ended. And the boat would still not move.

A single wave of water was racing towards us, growing bigger. My magic was preparing the ship, bracing for the impact of the torpedo. But it didn't come. Right as it was about to hit, it went under and disappeared.

I waited patiently for this thing to appear but was to oblivious as a faint swirl of water erupted from behind me , crashing into the ship and knocking us over.

There she is.

Alina in all her glory was on top of the water tornado, looking down on us will empty eyes but with grey eyes and not black.

She floated back down onto the ship's deck which took me a while to realize that we were flying, not floating on the water.

'Are we dry?!'

I looked down to see my clothes that were soaked one minute ago were now completely dry and warm even.

Alain stalked towards her backpack and heaved it over her shoulder before returning calmly to her position on the stairs.

I was about to demand what the fuck just happened and what gave her the audacity to talk to us like that when Hook rushed over to her first.

I heard small cries and whimpers and little whispers of sweet talk. I watched her stone cold expression turn into a small smile but it didn't go any further then that.

Emma came over and tapped me on the shoulder, holding me back as I almost lunged for Henry when he ran towards Alina, quickly asking questions about her safety and health.

"She's strong, stronger then I believed even. Give her some time, Regina. What happened to that girl today was you're fault. Don't do it again," she warned before walking away.

I almost glared, almost cursed at her as she walked away. But she was right. I pushed Alina because of my curiosity.

But... I took one look at Alina laughed while talking about a story to Henry.

Not the time.

'She needs this,' Emma whispered. 'Give her time.'

I nodded to myself.

Time now. Then conversation tomorrow.

I gave a fleeting smile and then turn and walked off the deck into the Captain's quarters.

That's it!! Holy crap!! I'm so sorry that I have been late in writing but thank you guys so much for putting up with my nonsense!! Thank you for 13,000 reads!! Roughly only three more chapters and then we're done!! That you guys so much!! See you guys in the next chapter!! I love you guys!! Ta taaaaaaaa!!

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