Part 8

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-Alina's POV-

We searched for our remaining hours of light for the storage of Dreamshade. Pan's shadow had led me straight for the storage of Dreamshade that belonged to Pan and within seconds, had brought me a quart of black liquid that I could only assume, was the prize.

Correcting that statement, everything belonged to Pan. Except... for me. I refused to even think of calling myself one of his lost boys. That thought made me sick.

After I had put the quart of Dreamshade in my bag, we began walking to find a cave. Only two days left and then I would have to be ready. My backpack was getting heavier with every step but I swallowed that weakness and trudged on.

About an hour later, we had reached a waterfall. It was early in the morning but the sunlight had no been reveal. This only light that there was, was from the algae that turn the waterfall and it's pool into a beautiful sky-blue.

It didn't appear to have any means of getting to the cave that was, according to Pan's shadow, supposed to be behind the waterfall. I quickly turned my head, scouting out our location.

"Could you turn around please," I asked the shadow. He looked confused but nodded nonetheless. With my backpack securely fastened around my shoulders and waist, I walked straight up to the waterfall on the edge, making sure not to get underneath the water pressure, and began to climb.

The rocks were smooth and wet, making the climb harder but I persisted through this... unfortunate mishap. After ten minutes of beating around waterfall and trying my hardest to not look down to my death, I had reached the edge of the cave and looked over.

Pan's shadow had already set up a camp and had gotten a fire going with a black pot resting on top of it. I quickly hoisted myself up and over the edge before brushing off my pants and walking over. I placed down my bag with a grunt and dropped to the floor in a heap.

I took a couple of deep breaths before getting back up and rummaging through my bag. The first thing that was on top, was the quart of Dreamshade that the shadow had got for me. I set it down gently before looking for my next object of interest.

My father's journal was next in my line and I lifted it up and out of my backpack, flipping through the pages to find a certain piece of information.

My fingers clutched the page as my eyes landed on what I was looking for, 'How to make gas bombs.'

I smiled before skimming my eyes over the page. The basics of gas bombs had been implanted in my mind time and time again. Boil the object of poison or dangerous substance to create a gas but keep a lid on the pot. Grab bags to fill up with gas to the max.

Watch the bags and make sure that it turns into a dark color before sealing the bag. Repeat for the remainder number of bags.

I quickly searched for my remaining object of interest before my hands found what I was looking for in my bag. I took out the outfit and admired it with gratitude and amazement. I hadn't touched this outfit in three months when I had to kill someone in order to protect my secret, powers were something that people would kill for and in the real world, it's either kill or be killed.

-Narrator's POV-

It was a black v-neck t-shirt that was long sleeved with a pair of gloves hanging off the end of the sleeves, one on each wrist.

The pants were supposed to be snug and easily moveable in but she hadn't been the same back then.

She wasn't fatter but she wasn't skinny either. She had worked out every day and watched what she ate but she could have been... bigger than what she believed. The black pants were long and went all the way down, supposedly to her ankles. She would have to see that for herself later.

A black cloak was in the huddle of clothes as she set out her outfit for the next night. It was light and billowy but the main thing that she was focusing on was the hood. That was decently heavy and three months ago, it had covered her eyes from the rain that she had caused to poor down on her. It was rain and fireproof and had small pieces of metal and wire wired into the fabric to check on her heartbeat and enters remaining.

She unravelled the cloak to see two matching thigh holsters. They were black leather straps that had two leather sheaths, waiting for knives to fill up the empty spaces in them.

The next hung she saw was indeed, those exact knives. Two identical knives were gleaming in the dim fireplace. They had black handles and a sharp touch at both the point and on the rest of the knife.

As she continued to look, she saw the remaining items that had been wrapped in her cloak. It was a pair of bandages, a black mask but she knew that it was made to act like a gas mask, and belt with pouches in it. This had sparked her attention.

She got up and left her clothes there, allowing them to air out before wearing them later on. She walked over to Pan's shadow, grabbing the quart of Dreamshade and her father's journal with her belt and heading over to the pot that was ready and prepared. Pan's shadow had already gotten a lid on it.

Time to get started.

That's it for now! See you next chapter! Ta taaaa!

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