Part 37

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(Song above is what they dance to and how they danced except with the candle. I included my own parts there so don't forget to read it! Enjoy!)

Wendy Darling had joined the party.

-Alina's POV-

Wendy Darling. The user!

I watched as Wendy strutted forward, earning glares from all of the lost boys, including Henry.

Apparently even he was told the story.

Wendy walked forward, wearing a little bluebell nightgown. She had long brown hair and beautiful eyes but they were full of mischief and lies.

She held out her hand towards me.

"Wendy Darling! Pleased to meet you!"

I shook her hand, tightening my grip.

"Believe me," I said, my tone menacing, "the pleasure is all mine."

She winced as my grip tightened. Her eyes went wide.

"L-let go," she whimpered.

I increased my grip.

She let out small whimpers and then a scream as I twisted her arm and planted my foot behind her legs and pushed her backwards.

She fell with a small scream, planting face first into the mud.

Everyone laughed except for Wendy who was on the verge of tears. She glared up at me and slowly brought herself to her feet.

She took a hesitant step back when I put a step forward. I leaned in, allowing my breath to travel down through her entire body.

"Stay out of my way," I growled before turning to the others. "Let's get this party started!"

Cheers came back to me as a response and I led them over to the food.

-Peter's POV-

I watched her as she swayed her hips, strutting towards the food table before bending over the bowls of grapes.

My Adams's apple bobbed as she took a handful of grapes and stood back but before popping them into her mouth one by one.

Lord help me.

She plucked each grape into her mouth and then popping it like it was bubblegum.

My throat became dry as I quickly grabbed a jar of wine and chugged it, feeling the effects of alcohol immediately.

The wine burned as it coated my throat but I ignored it as my vision became blurry and then clear within a second.

This girl in infuriating!

I watched as Alina took her place among Scott, Isaac, and Robbie, having an easy conversation to which most of them laughed every five minutes before continuing.

Angry boiled through my body but released into the air when Felix's hand rested on my shoulder.

"Dude... go talk to her," he groaned.

"Why? So then I could win the bet," I smirked, feeling a hint of pride in my voice.

"If you think that I'm just going to let you win, you're wrong. But, she won't fall in love with either of us if we don't make a move," he stated.

I sighed. He was right. Again.

"Fine. I'll g-," I got interrupted as a red head girl jumped into my view.

"Hey Felix," she squealed, my mind noting on the excitement in her voice.

"Hey Alina! You doing okay?"

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