Part 19

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"What can I do to earn your trust?"

-Peter's POV-

I had to think about this for a little while. No one had said this before. It only sparked my curiosity of this girl even more.

"You could tell me about yourself. But it would be better to prove that you are loyal."

She nodded and took a deep breath in before turning towards me.

I didn't realize that our faces were so close until she turned her head.

Our faces were barely inches apart and I could feel the soft skin of her nose slightly touching mine.

She spun away in embarrassment and I had to stifle a laugh. Once she regained her composure, she turned towards me again.

I had backed up just in case I made her flustered again.

"My name is Alina. I am sixteen years old. My parents abandoned me when I was two and I was forced to live with my uncle," she explained.

Her voice was low as she said, "forced to live with my uncle," almost a growl.

"I was eight when I ran away from him to find my parents and learn why they had abandoned me. I learned different languages and was taught self-defense around the world. I have many different identities that I go by but my real name is Alina. If I had to describe myself, I would say that I am quiet, quick, helpful, and at sometimes, jumpy. But if anything, I am a hard worker and can be very determined at times."

She stopped and allowed me to absorb all the information that she had just... given me.

I scanned her eyes for a lie but they were cold and dead as they met my gaze.

"Anything else you would like to know," she asked.

I pondered. There were so many things that I would like to know about her but nothing escaped my lips except for, "No."

She nodded and returned her head to the ocean.

"Thank you."

It was so soft that I had thought I had dreamed it until I looked back at Alina. Her head was facing the open edge but her eyes were still on me.

She had said those words to me.

"For what?"

"For being here."

I stared at her in disbelief. Why would she want me here?

"You're welcome."

She nodded and layer down on her back, looking up at the array of stars.

As I had watched her from the moment I saw her, I could not lie and say that she wasn't attractive. She was beautiful.

As she watched the galaxies soar above her head, I took a moment to see the full amount of her beauty.

Her amber hair was flowing onto the grass, not being held back by a band or ribbon. Her grey eyes held a glint of fire in them as she watched a star fly by and out of view.

I joined her onto the grass moments later as we watched the stars.

I could feel myself taking peeks at her every once in a while.

We continued to sit in silence but my mind begged for her to speak.

She did not. When I turned once more to look at her, she was already staring back at me.

Her dark eyes were piecing my soul as her soft skin gleamed in the moonlight.

My fingers were begging to carcass her cheek but my body refused to allow them. I watched as her eyes scanned over my face, pausing on my lips, before returning to my eyes.

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