Part 21

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(Song above is what she sings for Pan and his boys)

It had begun...

Her voice had not yet broken through her lips as she had begun to hum.

It was steady and slow even as she began to stare into the fire.

She closed her eyes and her voice broke through her lips and a sweet and gentle voice broke through.

"There was a time when I was alone. Nowhere to go and no place to call home," she sang.

Her voice was beautiful but the song seemed sad. It was sad and melodic as if this reflected something.

"My only friend was the man in the moon and even sometimes he would go away too. Then one night as I closed my eyes, I saw a shadow fly in high."

I paused. I focused on the last lyrics she sang.

My shadow? That's how she got here. Why didn't he tell me?

"He came to me with the sweetest smile, told me he wanted to talk for a while. He said, 'Peter Pan, that's what they call me. I promise that you'll never be lonely.' And ever since that day."

She paused, taking in a breath. She seemed shaken but continued nonetheless.

"I am a lost girl from Neverland. Usually hanging out with Peter Pan. And when we're bored we play in the woods, always on the run from Captain Hook. 'Run, run lost girl,' they say to me."

I could see her hand moving subconsciously across her arm before her nails sunk into her skin and she began to scratch once again.

"Away from all of reality. Neverland is home to lost boys like me and lost boys like me are free."

Her hand stopped and began to rub down her arm.

"He sprinkled me in Pixie dust and told me to believe. Believe in him and believe in me. Together we will fly away in a cloud of green. To your beautiful destiny. As we soared above the town, that never loved me, I realized I finally had a family."

"Soon enough, we reached Neverland. Peacefully, my feet hit the sand and ever since that day."

"I am a lost girl from Neverland. Usually hanging out with Peter Pan. And when we're bored, we play in the woods. Always on the run from Captain Hook."

"'Run, run lost girl,' they say to me. 'Away from all of reality.' Neverland is home to a lost girl like me and lost boys like me are free."

"Peter Pan, Tinker bell, Wendy Darling, even Captain Hook. You are my perfect story book."

How did she know our names? I knew about the fairytale but I didn't expect her to read it.

"Neverland, I love you so. You are now my home sweet home forever a lost girl at last."

She finished up her song a while later and stopped when it was finished.

And there we were.

No one spoke. No one moved. No one even breathed.

It was just silence.

Alina opened her eyes but didn't look up at any of us. In fact, it didn't look like she was looking at anything.

It seemed as though everything was looking at her.

Her body was still until she moved her head to meet my gaze.

Her eyes were saddened but harsh. They pierced through my heart, if I had one.

That's when I realized it.

She had been singing... about her. Her life. How she got here. Had she really suffered until Shadow brought her here?

I had so many questions but the moment seemed too fragile to say a word. Too fragile to move. Too fragile... to even breathe.

Her eyes didn't leave my gaze as she stood up, breaking the silence.

Something caught my eye. The fire in front of both her and I had expanded it's flames when Alina had stood up. Almost as if, reacting to her presence.

I looked back up to see Alina glaring at the burning inferno.

She slowly returned her gaze back to me, the glare remaining on her eyes until they locked onto mine. Her eyes softened and she smiled.

"I'm going to head to bed. Goodnight boys," she said, simply.

"Good night," mumbled a few of my boys.

She nodded and smiled before leaving the campfire without another word.

Without thinking, I bolted after her, trying to match her speed. When she didn't stop, I got frustrated.

"Alina! Wait," I called.

Her feet stilled and she turned around.

"Yes Peter?"

My heart thumped though I don't know why.

"Where are you going to be sleeping tonight," I asked.

I hadn't even intended to ask that question when I had gone after her.

She smiled at pointed upwards. I looked up to see a blanket and a bag on a tree branch, high up in the air.

I scowled. "That's not really where you are sleeping tonight, are you?"

She just shrugged. "Unless if I have somewhere else to go."

Without thinking, my mouth took control of my mind.

"You aren't sleeping there," I declared.

"Where am I going to sleep then," she asked, her head tilting to the side in confusion.

"You will be sleeping in a hut."

"But you don't have an empty one," she retorted.

"That's why you'll be sleeping with someone else."

"And who is this gentleman that decided to share his room with me?"

"That gentleman you speak of, would be me."

I smirked. Her eyes widened in shock.


"You will be sleeping in my hut."

Ta daaaaa! That's it! I hope that you enjoyed but I am tired!! See you next chapter! Ta taaaaaaaaaa!

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