Part 28

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One week later...

In the span of a single week, I had begun to grow accustomed to many things.

I had done my nightly patrol in which I was finally able to meet the famous Tinkerbell. She caught me in the woods as I was passing Crocodile Creek. She held me with a knife on my throat until she saw that I was a girl.

Well, hopefully, that was the case. I would hate to already have a reputation here as a... what's the word? Killer? Assassin? Deadly? A lost girl? There were too many different words to choose from.

At first, I was about to attack her until I recognized her profile from my father's journal. Her blonde hair was tied back in a high messy ponytail while her face was flushed with embarrassment.

Apparently, she knew who I was. We walked together as I did my patrol and she is actually really nice. Her personality is very different than the one my father wrote of her. She was bubbly and kind, mischievous and guarded but she didn't come off as unpredictable and unapproachable.

Whatever my father knew about the people on Neverland, he never got the chance to know them personally.

As we walked together, I noticed a few things at first. She preferred to be called Tink instead of Tinkerbell. Whenever Felix came up in our conversation, she became lost in thought and distant until I changed the subject.

Either there was something going on with Felix and Tink that I was out of the loop of, which wouldn't be the worst-case scenario. Or, something happened between them that was causing Tink to distance herself from the present.

Honestly, I was thinking that Felix made a move on her but she didn't know how to react yet.

Knowing Felix, he probably was his flirty self but didn't realize what effect that has on Tink yet.

Be it as it may, Felix is an absolute flirt but refuses to believe in relationships. He did talk about this one girl though but never gave off anything that would describe her appearance, personality, or what attracted him to her.

After getting to know Tink, I doubt that the confident woman beside me would want to be held down by a man. It was clear that something was going on with them but that she didn't know how to handle it.

Her face became flushed the second I mentioned that Felix was talking about a girl to me. She spun her head to me, looking pale and aghast, but asked no questions or pushed me for more information.

This confirmed my suspicions.

Felix had hit on Tink and Tink had somewhat feelings for a flirtatious, bad boy. I laughed at the thought.

They would definitely be cute together. If they got together that was. Felix would definitely have to step up his game in order to claim Tink for himself. I laughed at the ridiculous thought.


I paused.

Isn't that what Pan said? That he would claim me? Or did he say that I was his?

I shook my head, erasing the thought from my mind.

Pan was the opposite. She didn't mind declaring to the world that she held no affection for Pan and would rather have her heart crushed with her own bare hands than admit to Pan that she found comfort and safety in his presence.

I laughed at her example because I didn't realize how so much hate for one boy could be contained in such a small body.

She was definitely shorter than me, somewhere around five foot four. Though she was shorter than me, she was no less than a goddess.

She had the right curves and body parts to make any man drool at the sight of her. She had round hips that swayed as she walked and she always held her head up high, giving her an aura of confidence.

I knew that I wasn't the same. I didn't have a thin waist or an hourglass body like she did, but I did my best to keep in shape.

I like to think that my stomach was flat but I knew all too well that it wasn't. No matter what I tried, I always managed to have a round stomach. I despised it to a point where I had locked on a spell that would keep my stomach slim for as long as I could manage it without passing out because of excursion.

Curse this body.

When Tink and I finished my patrol, I had walked back to the cliff, seeing as it was still dark.

Shadow appeared beside me seconds later, scaring the heck out of me as my body went into fight or flight mode. I had accidentally jumped off the cliff and was now flying through the clouds while talking to Shadow.

We talked about plans, how I was settling in, if there was anything he could do to help me, blah blah blah. I refused to believe that he could do anything more for me than he already had.

Although I was tempted to ask him about my father and mother to see if they were either alive or dead, I had clamped my mouth shut.

I refused to put another task on his shoulders that weren't our plan for Pan.

I had gone years without accepting anyone's help and I would not do it now. Now today, not the next. Never.

We talked until dawn greeted us with its presence and I landed gracefully on the grass. We said our goodbyes for the night and I was about to head back to camp when a strange dot appeared in the clear ocean view.

I squinted enough to see that it was a ship. The red sails stood out with a black banner at the top. My heart plummeted into my throat as I recognized the symbol.

A silver hook with a sword clashed together in the black banner.

That ship belongs to Captain Hook.

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