Part 30

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"We need to talk."

I dragged Pan away from Henry and the others the second his head tilted to the side in confusion.

He offered no resistance as I dragged him into his tent.

The second I shut the tent flaps and secured them, I turned on him.

"Is this area secure," I demanded.

He nodded, baffled at my sharp tone.

"What's going on, Alina," his voice was concerned. "You were gone all day and came back demanding that you speak with me alone. What is going on?!"

I sighed and rubbed my temple.

"I was out on patrol."

"Okay, and?"

"I saw a ship."

He froze.

"What do you mean you saw a ship," he demanded.

"I saw a ship near Mermaid Lagoon. I believe that it belongs to Captain Hook."

"What makes you think that?"

"It had a banner on it with a sword and a hook crossed."

"Continue," his tone was sharp.

I nodded.

"Anyway, after I saw the ship, I started to run back to tell you when it began to rain. I found shelter in a nearby cave and I was attacked."

His body tensed up and I saw his hands shaking with rage.

"Who was it?"

"A few people. They called each other names so I named them. A blonde woman who's name is Emma."

His hands were pale but made no effort to stop me from talking.

"There were two black haired women. One named Snow and the other named Regina. A blonde man named David. Who names their kid David?"

Pan did not respond.

"Anyway, Emma held a sword to my throat and I was able to disarm her when her arm became weak. I dragged her somewhat out to make sure I was safe before running off."

Pan mumbled something but I could not hear what he said.

"Anyway, I took some turns instead of running straight back to camp in case they were following me. Either way, I doubt that they were supposed to be here."

"My only question is how they got here. They clearly didn't get your permission which means one thing."

I stared dead straight into his eyes.

His eyes widened in return, understanding my look.

"Someone brought them to the island."

Pan scowled.

"Captain Hook brought them to the island. He is really testing my patience."

I nodded, letting the information sink in.

"What are we going to do?"

Pan stared up at me.

"We? No. I am going to get my boys and we are going to get ready for a fight. You," he stated, pointing at me, "are going to stay here and guard Henry to make sure that both of you are safe."

"What in the world are you talking about," I demanded.

Pan stared at me with no emotion in his eyes.

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