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CW: drinking, talk of murder

I think I'm losing my mind

Trying to stay inside the lines

Shouta wasn't really sure what he was expecting when he had asked Hizashi to meet him

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Shouta wasn't really sure what he was expecting when he had asked Hizashi to meet him. He wanted to talk to him, possibly about Y/N as well (mostly about Y/N), but when he got to the bar where they were supposed to meet, he wasn't so sure anymore. How would he even bring all of that up? It had been years since he had last talked about Y/N. If he remembered correctly, he was the one that had banned Y/N as a conversation topic, because he just couldn't bear talking about her.

And now he needed Hizashi's help. Because Shouta knew that if he went there on his own... he'd fuck it up. He'd fuck it up so badly. He'd try talking to Y/N and she'd do that thing where she'd argue with him in a way that would just leave him completely defenseless and he'd come back empty-handed. In a way he almost wished to come back empty-handed, because whatever Tsukauchi was planning - it sounded like a terrible idea. He knew Y/N would see right through it and she wouldn't appreciate it.

The other thing was... He hadn't seen Y/N in years. He didn't know how she was living or what she was doing. The part of town she was living in really wasn't one of the safest parts of Tokyo and Shouta really didn't like the implications here. He was scared of what he'd see when he'd go and pay her a visit. He didn't just need Hizashi to make sure that he didn't fuck up, he needed Hizashi as emotional support.

But how was he even going to tell him about this? Hizashi and Y/N had been such good friends and then all this happened and she just disappeared and Hizashi had been watching how Shouta kept looking for her and how he didn't sleep for days on end, because he thought he was so close to finding her... just to be disappointed over and over again. His opinion of Y/N definitely had changed over the years and Shouta couldn't blame him. He was just as disappointed.

After all those years and after they had become so close... for her to just disappear like that... Shouta wanted to be able to understand it and he wanted to be this great forgiving person that was thinking about how everything had affected her, but... he just couldn't. He was still angry at Y/N and he was still disappointed in her and he didn't know if he'd ever get over it.

But first he needed to talk to Hizashi. Convince him to come with him. He could already see him sitting at the bar, his hair down and a slightly worried look on his face, as he was pushing his glass back and forth in front of him. Shouta felt bad for making him worry like this. The thing was that he only ever went for drinks with Hizashi when there was something terribly important to talk about, so of course Hizashi was going to be worried. This was something important, after all.

"Morning, Zashi." Shouta muttered, as he pulled up a bar stool next to him and sat down. Hizashi looked up from his glass with an incredulous scoff, his eyes flitting back and forth nervously.

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