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CW: trauma, panic attack, creepiness

Stop would you stop

All of these memories are waking me up

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The time went way too quickly. Y/N wished that Takamoto would never turn up at this place and they might just have a nice evening. Hizashi had warmed up to her again almost immediately and even Shouta was starting to soften up a little. Y/N felt that maybe she could actually do this - be around her old friends again and be okay - but then he had to show up, of course.

"There he is!" Hizashi had said. Y/N hadn't even seen him at first, but when she heard what Hizashi said she felt like everything in her body just froze. She could feel her heart beating faster and her breath becoming shallow. This wasn't happening. This couldn't be happening. She wasn't ready.

"Well, let's go and get this over with quickly." Shouta muttered and got up from his chair. Y/N didn't want to get up, but it was as if her body moved on its own, as she got up from her seat and followed the two of them through the crowds. She had no idea what she was supposed to do...

"A-are we going right away? Really?" she wanted to know. Shouta glanced back at her, concern in his eyes.

"Yeah, it's probably best. Before he spots us and has time to prepare for questions or anything." he told her. Y/N gulped audibly and nodded, as she continued following them. And then she saw him, sitting at a different section of the bar. She could only see his back, but everything inside her was screaming at her to run. Get out of here, get away from him, run far, far away...

'You have some nice teeth...' She could still hear his voice in her ear. It still sent shivers down her spine. One of those details that was still making her shudder when she thought back was how he had pulled a tooth from each of his victims. One tooth. He probably kept them somewhere, but the police had never found them. And Y/N didn't know where they were either.

"I don't know if I can do this..." she whispered, more to herself than anyone else. She didn't really know whether anyone heard it, but Shouta seemed to be pretty concerned about her. He didn't say anything, though, he just looked at her. Y/N had no idea what made her think she might be able to pull this off. But she had to go through it now. Somehow... somehow she had to make it through.

If only she wasn't this scared. What was the worst that could happen? She had Shouta and Hizashi with her and Takamoto wouldn't be as stupid as to attack her with two heroes present at the same time. But what if he... what if he was trying to get to her again? Trying to influence her to take his side again? Trying to make her think that he had never done anything wrong?

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