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CW: awkwardness, teeth, general grossness

But I just fell in love

With all this freedom that I found

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Y/N could barely believe that they were sending her and Shouta out to dig up that damn box full of teeth. She hadn't really thought that they'd even manage to figure out where Takamoto had buried it, since he had been holding onto that sick thing as if his life depended on it. Maybe he thought this was his life or whatever. But if they could find this box it would be the last piece of evidence that would absolutely and undoubtedly lead to his conviction. So here they were.

The police had cordoned off the whole area with crime scene tape and a bunch of crime scene technicians were digging up everything, while Y/N and Shouta had been told to oversee the entire thing and make sure they got the box and directed everyone to the right area.

It wouldn't have been too bad, if it hadn't been raining all day. It wasn't even proper rain, it was more of a drizzle that wasn't too bad until you had been standing around in it for a few hours and it had slowly but surely drenched you completely. Y/N could feel the cold and damp in her bones and she didn't think she'd ever be able to feel warm again. It was miserable.

But at least she wasn't alone in being miserable. Shouta next to her seemed to be shivering just the same and she had heard more than one of the crime scene technicians complain about the weather and the hard work and about having to be out here in the wet and cold until all hours of the night.

Y/N sipped some of the horrible coffee from the local kombini. Why was every coffee she got anywhere just... horrible? She couldn't help but think that this had to be some kind of conspiracy against her. But she wasn't even going to complain much about it this time, because at least it kept her somewhat warm throughout all this. She glanced over at Shouta, who was looking just as disgusted sipping away at the coffee. If she was a coffee snob, Shouta was much worse than her.

"It's terrible, isn't it?" she asked him. Shouta scoffed and shook his head in absolute disgust, making Y/N chuckle a little.

"Absolutely fucking gross." Shouta agreed as he looked down into the paper cup with complete disgust, before sighing.

"At least it's keeping us somewhat warm..." he added then, before taking another sip and grimacing as if it was the worst thing he had ever had in his entire life. Y/N could only wholeheartedly agree with that sentiment.

"It is... but it's not really doing much to be honest. I still feel like I'll never be warm again in my life." Y/N sighed.

"Well, seems like we'll have to find a way to get warmed up once we get back home..." Shouta replied with a wide grin. Y/N looked at him, a little surprised. She didn't know Shouta as the kind of person to make innuendos like that, but she did like the thought of warming up together...

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