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CW: kidnapping, drugging, cutting, violence, creepiness, threats, panic, fear

I once said we could try this

I once said we could work this out

I once said we could work this out

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~Flashback Chapter~

Y/N's head felt heavy when she woke up. She was in pain and she didn't know why or what happened. She tried to open her eyes slowly, but it wasn't much use. She was in some sort of dark room. There was only a small bit of light falling into it from the windows, so Y/N couldn't make out much detail.

She was sitting upright in some sort of chair. As she tried to move, she realized that she couldn't. Her ankles seemed to be tied to the legs of the chair - Y/N could feel the rope cutting into her skin. Her arms were behind her back and while she could move them a little, they were still tied behind her back.

Y/N was starting to feel a panic creep up inside her. She had no idea what had happened and how she had gotten here, but this was not a good situation to be in. At least it seemed like she was on her own, so that was a good sign. She tried to think back to what had happened last night.

She remembered the argument she had gotten into with Satoshi... just outside the police station. How she had gone home, decided to call Shouta. And then suddenly realized that she was most likely in danger and should probably head to Shouta's place. Y/N couldn't remember whether she had ever gotten there. Probably not. She knew that she was quickly walking through the dark and then... someone had attacked her. It had to be Takamoto... it had to be.

Which meant that... she was about to die. She hadn't made it to Shouta's place in time and now she was going to die. But apparently Satoshi hadn't realized that she had told Shouta to start looking for her if she hadn't turned up within two hours. Maybe there was a slim chance of her surviving this...

If only Satoshi was taking his time... then maybe... maybe she'd manage to survive this. Y/N looked down on herself. She looked kind of dirty, and she had a few scratches, but it seemed like Satoshi hadn't started with his characteristic cuts yet. He'd do those first, Y/N reckoned, so he could see the pain in his victim's faces. Well, it seemed like Y/N was in for a treat. But at least it would buy her time.

She tried to struggle against the restraints that were binding her to her chair, but it was no use. The rope was tied way too tightly and while she had some wiggle room it was nowhere near enough to free herself from this. Maybe if she tried hard enough... but Y/N figured it would be smarter to save her strength, simply for survival. She might need it pretty soon, after all.

The next thing she tried was activating her Quirk. She could feel that it would still work, but it felt weakened somehow. Like something wasn't quite right with it. Y/N figured that Satoshi had given her some sort of sedative that was also affecting her Quirk. Maybe if she waited long enough, it would start working again. It was absolutely worth a try. Another reason not to waste any strength.

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