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CW: press conference, outright lies

So right now

I can feel it, feel it overtaking me

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~Flashback Chapter~

"Are you sure about this?" Shouta asked her. Y/N bit her lip. She knew that Shouta was just trying to look out for her, but... she knew she could trust Satoshi. They had been working together for so long - well, it wasn't actually that long, but she felt like she'd known him for ages. She could trust him. She knew that. And if he said, he hadn't killed those women, then he hadn't.

But the thing was that even Y/N was almost doubting him. For the longest time it hadn't even occurred to her that he might be lying and like a good boss and friend, she had been giving him alibis left, right and center and had helped him make evidence disappear. And she had told all her friends that there was no way that it was him, even as there were suspicions coming from the public.

People were smarter than everyone gave them credit for and they were pretty good at piecing things together and coming up with their own theories. And they had managed to come up with a really plausible one that would implicate popular side-kick Issou - Satoshi Takamoto. And now the police had to somehow keep them quiet. The problem was that Y/N's statements were pretty much the only thing saving Satoshi at the moment. And she knew she wasn't quite honest with some of those...

But Satoshi was literally her baby. How could she ever let anything happen to him? She had taken him in straight out of U.A. as a side-kick and she had taken care of him ever since. She felt like this was literally her son and like she had to protect him. Because she really couldn't imagine that he was the one killing all those people. And in such a cruel way, too. It didn't make sense.

"Yeah. I'm sure. Come on, Shouta, you know him. He couldn't do anything like that." she replied. Shouta sighed and rubbed the back of his neck. He was always critical of everything, which was something Y/N usually liked, but at the moment... well, it was making everything much more difficult for her.

"I know, I know... it's just... well, they have a pretty good point. Your statements at the police are the only thing that's saving his ass right now. And isn't it a little weird that he keeps asking you to give him an alibi? I don't know, Y/N, maybe you shouldn't do that anymore..." Shouta told her.

Y/N wished it was that easy. Shouta was working alone and he seemed to be quite happy on his own. Y/N had grown really attached to this boy. She'd go through fire if it meant that he'd be alright. And Shouta just didn't understand that. And maybe he was a little jealous, too. Not that he'd have a reason.

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