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CW: murder scene, blood, some graphic detail

I've been wasting

Too much time

Too much time

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Shouta couldn't believe it had been only a few days ago that they had been talking to Takamoto. And now here they were, standing in front of another body. A body with all the hallmark cuts on it. With a missing tooth. Same age group, same profile. And no fucking evidence.

Was he really that confident in himself that he thought he'd get away with this right after they had interrogated him? What the hell was he thinking? The worst thing was that they again had no evidence. It was so obvious that it was him, but there was nothing they could do to rationally prove it.

It was driving Shouta insane. And not just him - Y/N seemed to be seething with rage as well. She was not happy about this situation in the slightest. Shouta couldn't even imagine how much more annoying this had to be for her. She was the one that had been manipulated and lied to by him all this time. And now he was again pulling the same old bullshit. He was playing with her.

"I can't believe this." she muttered under her breath as she was staring down at the body. Shouta was surprised that she was taking it this well - after all, it wasn't like she was seeing corpses every day of her life. That wasn't even a hero thing - that was absolutely a police thing.

"I know. Do you think he did it so close to the interrogation on purpose? To throw us off or something?" Shouta wanted to know. Y/N scoffed and shook her head, looking away from the body.

"Throw us off? No way. He's not trying to throw us off anything. He's mocking us, if anything. He knows that we know he did it. And he also knows that we have absolutely no evidence to arrest him." she answered.

"So he wants us to make mistakes? Or to give up?" Shouta asked. Y/N sighed and nodded, running her hand through her hair. Shouta knew that look on her face. She was thinking about doing something stupid. She was thinking about doing something really stupid. But Shouta had no idea how to stop her. He didn't even know how to get her to admit she wanted to do something stupid.

He'd just have to hope that it would work out for her or that she somehow slipped up before she managed to do whatever she had planned. Then he might have a slight chance of stopping her before it was too late. But with the way things were going she'd probably get herself killed soon enough. Which was less than ideal, but Shouta knew her well enough to know that trying to stop her would make her even more stubborn. Y/N didn't really care for rules too much.

"Nah. Maybe. He just wants to show off how smart he is. And there is nothing we can do about it. He'll show us again and again and again, unless we get some sort of evidence against him. And that might take a while. And it'll take a lot of lives." she muttered gloomily. Shouta sighed.

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