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CW: collapsing, hallucinations, Quirk overuse symptoms

Tryin'a rub the sleep out of my bloodshot eyes

Did I just die? Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah

Y/N was glad to finally be out of the hospital

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Y/N was glad to finally be out of the hospital. She was going to stay with Shouta for the rest of this case until the trial and after that... she didn't know yet. There was still a lot to do, but after they had arrested Takamoto, it was like a weight was lifted off her chest. A weight that had been there for years.

There was just one thing that was making her worry - overusing her Quirk again. The last time she had done it was a few months before Shouta and Hizashi had found her again and she hadn't been okay for weeks. She had to lock herself in her room and hope she'd survive, because she was hallucinating heavily and her own body temperature soared to unimaginable heights.

And she was getting the same symptoms again now. She was feeling tired and weak, like she might collapse any second. She knew she should probably tell Shouta about this, but she didn't want to worry him. They had just found their way back to each other and she didn't want him to have to worry again. And they were sitting in the office all day, anyway, doing paperwork for the case.

It wasn't too difficult to just ignore the symptoms like that. Y/N thought she had some time left until it got really bad. After all, it usually took a few days for the really bad hallucinations to set in and at the moment she was only hearing a few whispers. She was just completely exhausted, mostly. When it got really bad she could take a day off or something until she was better again.

That was the plan, at least. It didn't really work out that way and Y/N realized it the moment she was sitting down at one of the desks in the police station. Shouta had taken the desk opposite her and they were supposed to go through the hours of recording Y/N had gotten on Takamoto. She would have thought that it would be an easy task, but as soon as she sat down she was seeing things out of the corner of her eyes. Y/N still was mostly aware that none of this was real.

But it was getting more and more difficult to ignore it all, especially with how tired she was all the damn time. Y/N would have liked to know why her Quirk was affecting her so badly and she would have gotten it checked out sooner, if only she had the money to go to a doctor. But she didn't have that kind of money and she knew she wouldn't have it until she had been making more money as a hero.

The problem was that if she was going back to being a hero she would have to use her Quirk more. And using her Quirk meant inevitably overusing it at some point. And with her Quirk basically eating away at her mind... it wouldn't be something she could get checked out easily.

It was quite the dilemma, but Y/N didn't want to have anyone worry about this right now. There were more important things to do first. She knew that Takamoto knew about this problem with her Quirk and if she was showing any sort of weakness he'd use it without a second thought. So she couldn't tell anyone. She had to somehow power through this without any help.

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