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CW: getting in trouble, underage drinking, breaking into a pool, detention

Let me go on

Like I blister in the sun

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~Flashback Chapter~

Shouta was sitting next to Y/N outside the principal's office. They hadn't been talking to each other ever since they had been called to the office. Both of them knew exactly why they were here right now, but Shouta already knew that they'd be defending themselves until the bitter end.

Sure, they had kinda fucked up, but there was worse than a week's detention with Y/N. In detention he could get some sleep and when he couldn't sleep, he could at least pretend to be asleep and watch her out of the corner of his eye. Y/N tended to just do her homework during detention, so she was oblivious to everything and anything around her anyway. Good for Shouta at least.

But first they had to go through the lecture that Principal Nezu was about to give them. Shouta wasn't looking forward to it. It wasn't that Nezu was mean or anything, not at all. He always said something in a strangely nice way and you never really knew how mad he was when giving a lecture like that. And it was always very worrying for Shouta when he couldn't figure that out.

He glanced over at Y/N who was leaning against the wall, her arms crossed in front of her chest, as she was looking up at the ceiling. Just as Shouta was about to look away again she glanced at him and a smug grin formed on her lips, as their eyes met. Shouta couldn't help but grin himself.

"Honestly, it was worth it, no matter what happens." Y/N said to him. It was the first thing she said since they had both gotten called to the principal's office and Shouta chuckled to himself.

"It was worth it." he agreed. What they had gotten in trouble for was breaking into the swimming pool at UA in the middle of the night, together with Hizashi and Nemuri and... with a few other people. Shouta couldn't believe that he had almost forgotten that Oboro hadn't been with them. Forgetting about Oboro's death alone for a while had made it all worth it for him.

But they hadn't just broken into the swimming pool, they had also brought copious amounts of alcohol that they had all somehow gathered up, either from their homes or with fake IDs or however else they could get their hands on alcohol. Breaking into the pool was something that everyone did once in a while, so no one would have even batted an eye about that. But the alcohol was a different story.

And since Shouta and Y/N had been unanimously identified as the instigators of all this, they were the ones that would be taking the heed of it all. Well, there were worse things in the world than getting in trouble for something like this. Shouta was sure that no one had phoned home to his parents yet to tell them about this and as long as no one would do that in the future, everything was good. He wasn't sure about Y/N, but his parents would lynch him for something like this.

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