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CW: confrontation, argument, feelings of guilt

An awful noise

Filled the air 

I heard a scream in the woods somewhere

I heard a scream in the woods somewhere

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~Flashback Chapter~

Y/N was leaning against the wall outside the police station. She had no idea what the hell was happening at the moment. It was like everything was spinning and everything was falling apart. She took a drag from her cigarette, inhaling the smoke deeply, before exhaling it into the night sky.

It was still raining heavily and she knew that she'd be better off heading home and locking all her doors and windows and hoping for the best. But she just felt frozen in place. She didn't know what to think or feel, but she knew that Satoshi would be furious with her. But it wasn't like she had much of a choice.

Tsukauchi was interrogating her. There was no way she could give Satoshi a false alibi this time. It just wouldn't work. They'd see through her lying and that would be it. Tsukauchi probably already had his suspicions about her giving Satoshi alibis. And she really hated that this kept happening - he kept asking her to lie for him, to help him hide some things that didn't add up...

She wasn't sure whether Satoshi was quite as innocent as he claimed to be anymore. What if he was actually somehow involved with all this? Y/N had been believing him all this time and she had been covering for him, so she really hoped that she was wrong about this. But she was having doubts.

She knew that Shouta had had his doubts. And she should have listened to him. She should have listened to him from the very start or she wouldn't be in that mess now. Well, what was done was done. Y/N could only hope that it would turn out that Satoshi had nothing to do with it after all.

But the chances of that were absolutely slim. Y/N hadn't realized it, but Satoshi had really been the only person that had told him to cover for him and that he was innocent and that he would never kill anyone. But he had done it so well. He had been manipulating her all along and Y/N really wouldn't be surprised anymore if he was actually the Teeth Collector. She shuddered thinking about it.

Satoshi was almost like a son to her. To think that he had used her like this, that he had been manipulating her like this all along... She hated the thought. She hated it. It couldn't be true, right? There was no way. This wasn't the Satoshi Takamoto she knew. But what if he had been playing mind games with her from the very start? What if she never really knew him?

Y/N put the cigarette up to her quivering lips again, taking another drag. She wasn't sure anymore whether she was shivering from the cold or from the realizations she was just making. She really wanted to believe that it couldn't be Satoshi that did all those things, but there wasn't really a good explanation for everything, if it wasn't him. There wasn't any outright evidence for him being the Teeth Collector, but it would be surprising if it wasn't him. Y/N felt sick thinking about it.

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