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CW: drug abuse, bad living conditions, poverty, filth, gambling

It's this damnеd ol fever dreamin

Keep mе losin track of time

Keep mе losin track of time

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Shouta really didn't like being in this area of town... well, it wasn't really that he didn't like being here, but... he didn't like the thought of Y/N being here. And not just being here, but living here. All on her own, as well. Shouta couldn't imagine that she knew a lot of people or was close to a lot of people after everything that happened. But maybe he was wrong. Who knew?

Maybe she was living a fairly normal life... had kids, a nice boyfriend or something... even though he couldn't imagine it. In his mind, Y/N wasn't the type to settle down at a young age. She wasn't the type to live a normal, regular life. But maybe that was just Shouta having his weird ideas about her. She could easily have changed over the years. He hadn't seen her in ages! Why did he think he was still the only person that really knew her and that really knew what was going on with her? There was no way that she hadn't moved on from... from him, not after all this time.

The thought of her having a new life that he wasn't a part of really hurt for some reason. Maybe it was because he had been looking for her so long and she never seemed to have been looking for him. But then again he had no idea what was going in her mind. He had no idea how she had changed. The last time he had seen her was at that stupid press conference.

Shouta glanced over at Hizashi. He didn't seem too keen on being here either. It felt really weird to be in an area like this now, even though they had all started out around here when they had just started as heroes. This was where the crime was happening and this was where the rents were cheap. It was the only thing they could afford at the time and it was convenient.

To think that Y/N still was living here, because she probably couldn't afford any other place with whatever money she was making was a sobering thought. She had been quite successful, before everything just came falling down. And now she was back here with no way to get herself to a somewhat better place in life. It was sad, really. Shouta wondered how she was even making money here. Maybe she was living on welfare or something. He wouldn't be surprised.

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Hizashi asked him, as they were turning into the little side alley where Y/N's apartment block was located. Shouta looked up and down the run-down buildings and sighed.

"It's not like we have much of a choice, Zashi. We agreed to go and talk to her, so we'll have to go and talk to her." he said with a sigh. Hizashi looked around and took a deep breath, as he eyed up one building that looked particularly bad. Shouta knew exactly what he was thinking.

"Please tell me, this is not where she is living." he muttered. Shouta checked the address again, comparing it against the number of the building. He could barely believe it himself. It was painful.

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