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CW: hinting at sex, mentions of sex

How can I care, how can I care for you, how can I bear to love you any less than you need

How can I hold you, How can I bear to lose the bruises that you leave

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~Flashback Chapter~

Y/N could feel the knot in her stomach forming quickly. She had her eyes closed, mostly to feel more of Shouta, but now she opened them again, her eyes catching a glimpse of the sunset on the horizon, before she glanced down at Shouta who was grabbing onto her hips, as she was rolling her hips against him.

As she could feel her release coming on, she leaned down closer to him, kissing him, before nuzzling into the nape of his neck. Shouta's hands went from her hips up to her shoulders, wrapping around her and keeping her close as he bucked his hips up, thrusting inside her while she was clenching down on him. Y/N was breathing heavily, as they were both slowly riding out their highs.

"Fuck... That felt so good, Shou..." she muttered into his ear, softly nibbling on his earlobe for a little bit, before getting up again and rolling off of him, his cum slowly dripping down her thigh. She didn't care too much, if she was honest. She just grabbed the blanket, draping it over both of them.

They hadn't even planned to have sex, they just wanted to have a can of beer and watch the sunset, but then one thing lead to the other and here they were. And it was great. Y/N loved the way Shouta could make her feel, she loved it both when he was really shy in bed and submissive, but it was just as hot when he took control and was dominating. Y/N loved getting fucked by him.

"It did. You felt amazing." Shouta told her, as he wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her closer to him and pressing a kiss to her forehead. Y/N really loved cuddling with him after sex.

"You think anyone saw us?" she wanted to know, a small grin on her face, as she looked up into Shouta's handsome rugged face. He had a little bit of stubble on his chin and his cheeks and it honestly looked good on him. Y/N couldn't believe that the cute guy she had met in high school had turned into this handsome man so quickly... and that she had been his first. And that many other times followed.

"Why? Are you afraid of getting in trouble for fucking on a rooftop? In public? It was your idea." he said and chuckled. Y/N shook her head. It wasn't her idea. Her idea was to watch the sunset. The rest just kind of... happened. Not like Y/N would ever be complaining about any of it.

"It wasn't my idea. And it just wouldn't look great in the news if they heard of it. Imagine. Pro-hero Fever Dream was caught riding some homeless man." she answered chuckling. Shouta ruffled her hair.

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