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CW: suicidal thoughts, acting incredibly dumb

Touch me and make me feel your misery

And play me like you play your twisted little symphony

It didn't take Y/N long to find out where he was hiding

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It didn't take Y/N long to find out where he was hiding. After all, Satoshi wasn't even trying to hide all that much. She could just look up his address in the phone book. But nonetheless Y/N went to have a look at the case files and got his address from there. It just felt somehow more appropriate for what she was about to do. After all, when she was putting her life on the line, she might as well be putting some effort into it. Make it dramatic. Make it a little ritual.

Plus, she needed to head to the police station anyway, so she could get some more equipment that she would need for this. She might be going to her death right now, but she didn't want it to be completely pointless. If she was going to die, she was at least taking Takamoto down with her.

She knew that Shouta would be mad with her about this, if she managed to survive, so Y/N almost hoped that she wouldn't... but then again... maybe if she managed to survive, she'd finally be able to tell Shouta how she was feeling about him. How she had felt about him all those years...

Y/N pushed those thoughts out of her head. No time to be sentimental right now. She had something to do and she had to do it fast. Thinking about Shouta wasn't exactly strengthening her resolve at the moment. And she was already kind of wavering when she was thinking about the way Takamoto's victims usually looked. It wouldn't even be a nice and quick death.

Y/N was quickly making her way across the street, disappearing in the crowd of people that was going the same way. It seemed she had perfectly timed her visit to Takamoto's house. It was easy to go unnoticed in a group of people that were just on their way home from work. And it was also kind of nice, because it felt so normal. It felt like she was getting a glimpse of what life could have been like.

Plus, the sun was shining and weirdly enough Y/N thought that was the most beautiful thing she could have seen right now. The city - full of people and dirty as it was - on a busy and sunny afternoon. She felt so light, she almost didn't want to die anymore. Almost. She did have a goal in mind here and in the end... she just hoped it would all be worth it. It had to work. It just had to.

Y/N hoped that she was going the right way. Shouta would have known exactly where to go. He had some crazy sense of orientation, almost like a literal cat. Y/N wouldn't have been surprised if one of his parents had a cat related quirk or something like that. But she didn't know for sure and Shouta never talked much about his parents and it had never been a problem.

Y/N chuckled to herself when she thought back to the few times the two of them went patrolling together, when Y/N had just started going independent and when she hadn't hired Takamoto as a side-kick yet. Those were some good times, just strolling some dark alleyways at night, getting a late night coffee at the konbini and then falling into bed together, exhausted from all the walking. Y/N never had any idea where they were, she just trusted Shouta completely to get them back home. And he always managed to, even though he complained about how clueless she was.

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