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CW: waiting at hospital, being scared, worried

But I know some day I'll make it out of here

Even if it takes all night or a hundred years

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~Flashback Chapter~

Shouta knew he'd never be able to forget about this from the moment he stepped into that abandoned building to find Y/N. He knew the police were looking for her, too and he knew they were already on the way, but he had to go and save her first. He wasn't really ready for all the blood he was going to see. He knew he should have been prepared. He knew what the crime scenes looked like, after all. But for some reason he was still shocked when he saw it.

It took him much longer to take down Takamoto because he wasn't as focussed as he should have been, but once he had him captured and knocked out he could finally check up on Y/N. Y/N who was still tied to a chair, slumped down, her eyes closed and with two large wounds on her thighs.

Shouta quickly made his way over to her, checking her pulse and checking her breathing and letting out a relieved sigh when he realised that she wasn't dead. She was passed out and she seemed to have a high temperature, but Shouta had no idea why. He quickly cut the rope around her ankles and on her wrists, catching her just in time, as she was falling off the chair.

She groaned softly, as he caught her in his arms, but she didn't open her eyes. Shouta could hear the sirens outside the building already and he was glad about that, because it meant, as soon as the police had arrested Takamoto, he could go and make sure Y/N got to a hospital as quickly as possible.

He was holding her body close to his, making sure he could feel her heartbeat against his chest. The cuts on her thighs looked incredibly bad, but it was nothing that would kill her. She still seemed to have all her teeth as well. So why was she passed out like this? Shouta didn't even know how much to worry about her, because she seemed fine, but she just wouldn't wake up.

He kept trying to get her to wake up while the police was getting inside, but all he got from her were fluttering eyelids and a few soft moans and groans. Shouta was getting more and more desperate until Tsukauchi finally gave him the okay to go to a hospital with Y/N and get her checked out. Why she wasn't treated as a priority was beyond Shouta, but then again... she had been the cause of all this and she wasn't dying. Probably. Her temperature seemed to have gone down over time.

And now Shouta was here, sitting in front of a hospital room and waiting for Y/N to wake up. It had been hours now and the nurses told him that she might not wake up for a while, but he refused to leave. He needed to talk to her, he needed to see her before she was hauled off to prison or whatever they were going to do to her, when they learned how much she had fucked up.

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