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CW: interrogation, creepiness

Make me feel like I am breathing

Feel like I am human

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Y/N was taking a deep breath, before taking a sip from her coffee cup. She was so fucking nervous about this. Why the fuck had she ever agreed to any of this? Did she really think she could get through this whole investigation without ever seeing Takamoto again? Fucking stupid, that's what she was.

Now here she was, wondering whether she could actually do it or whether she would have another damn breakdown. She didn't want to go through another panic attack from just seeing Takamoto. It felt super embarrassing, even though she knew she had no reason to be embarrassed about it.

But here she was, waiting for Shouta to meet her, so they could go and interrogate Takamoto together. Who was sitting in an interrogation room specifically designed to prevent Quirk use, because he could easily teleport away if he wanted to. The prospect of being in one room with him again was kind of terrifying for Y/N, but it was too late to think about that right now. She was here now.

"Y/N?" she heard a voice behind her asking. She turned around and saw Shouta standing there, tired as usual, but in civilian clothes and with his hair tied up into a bun. He still looked so handsome... Y/N smiled thinking back to how much better he had looked on top of her last night.

"Hey." she replied, realizing that she had no idea how she was supposed to act around him now. Were they still mad at each other half the time? Were they back to their old arrangement, being basically friends with benefits? Were they more than that now? It all seemed much easier this morning when they had woken up next to each other and no one else was around.

"You okay?" Shouta wanted to know. Y/N shrugged. It wouldn't really get any better than it was right now, so she might as well pretend that everything was fine and dandy, right? She'd have Shouta with her for this interrogation, so everything would be fine. Or so she hoped, at least.

"I suppose so. Is it time already?" she wanted to know. Shouta nodded, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly.

"Yeah, we better get going and get this over with. Did you have any time to look through the file?" he asked.

"Yeah, sort of. I read it in the car this morning, while you were asleep." she said with a chuckle. Shouta blushed a little as he nodded slowly.

"Right. Yeah. Let's go then, he's been waiting in there for a good while. And we don't have enough evidence to arrest him as a suspect yet, so we better hurry up with this." Shouta told her.

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