Preface and TWs

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Here we go again.

Another day, another fanfic. 

This one will be alternating between flashback chapters and regular chapters mostly. I tried to make it  stand out when there will be a flashback chapter, so hopefully no one will get confused.

You can also read the chapters in chronological order, once I have all (or most) of the chapters out. Here is the chronological order (from the first flashback to the last chapter):

2, 30, 6, 8, 10, 14, 20, 36, 12, 16, 24, 28, 18, 22, 26, 34, 32, 4, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 29, 31, 33, 35, 37, 38, 39, 40, Epilogue

We will also have some triggers in this book. Generally this book deals with mental health issues, poverty, murder, feelings of guilt, trauma. It'll also have some NSFW scenes in it. Some bits will be GRAPHIC. If anything like that bothers you, please either don't read or look carefully through the trigger warnings here and ahead of the chapters.


1: crime scene (graphic), blood, murder, talk of manipulation 

2: teenagers being teenagers

3: drinking, talk of murder

4: awkward press statement, humiliation, shame and guilt, talk of manipulation, trauma, murder

5: drug abuse, bad living conditions, poverty, filth, gambling

6: smoking, awkward flirting

7: bad living conditions, poverty, drug abuse, alcohol abuse, talk of murder and manipulation

8: nsfw, smut, kinda awkward first time

9: hurt feelings and icy cold

10: hinting at sex, mentions of sex

11: talk of murder, talk of unhealthy habits, some graphic detail

12: fake alibi, murder talk

13: feelings of guilt, coldness, drinking

14: hints of jealousy

15: trauma, panic attack, creepiness

16: press conference, outright lies

17: interrogation, creepiness

18: confrontation, argument, feelings of guilt

19: murder scene, blood, some graphic detail

20: murder scene, graphic detail, blood, panic

21: bare knuckle boxing, pain, fighting, violence

22: feelings of guilt, being scared, panic, anxiety

23: talk, big feelings

24: lies

25: suicidal thoughts, acting incredibly dumb

26: kidnapping, drugging, cutting, violence, creepiness, threats, panic, fear

27: getting drugged, getting kidnapped

28: big fight

29: stealing, breaking into someone's house, panic

30: getting in trouble, underage drinking, breaking into a pool, detention

31: creepiness, being kidnapped, violence, cutting, blood, knives

32: waking up in hospital, injuries, scars, flashbacks

33: cutting, violence, blood, pain, screams, kidnapping

34: waiting at hospital, being scared, worried

35: big feels, feelings of guilt, tears

36: hallucinations, nightmares, psychotic symptoms, Quirk overuse symptoms

37: collapsing, hallucinations, Quirk overuse symptoms

38: interrogation

39: awkwardness, teeth, general grossness

40: press conference

Epilogue: cheesiness

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