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CW: nsfw, smut, kinda awkward first time

Secrets I have held in my heart

Are harder to hide than I thought

Maybe I just wanna be yours

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~Flashback Chapter~

Shouta hadn't been sure what the hell his relationship with Y/N was once they had met again. They kept meeting up from time to time, getting some takeaway together, watching movies, having sleepovers. Sometimes Hizashi was hanging around, as well, but for Shouta it was always him and her.

He knew that he had a massive crush on her back in high school. He thought she was pretty cool and he definitely knew that she was hot as fuck. But it all seemed kind of superficial. Now... now things didn't seem that superficial anymore. Since they had started hanging out regularly, things just seemed to be... deeper. Like they were actually getting to know each other.

And surprisingly, Shouta really enjoyed her company. He figured that he might really be falling for her, when he was watching her sitting next to him, eyes closed, her hair up in two buns. She was nodding her head in time with the music she had put on, a slight smile on her lips, her finger tapping rhythmically against the beer bottle. Shouta wanted to kiss her so badly, but he also wanted to keep watching her, simply because he was so taken in by her presence.

He didn't even realize that he got caught staring when she opened her eyes again. Her smile was getting a little wider and only then Shouta noticed that he was still staring. He was blushing a little, rubbing the back of his neck in embarrassment, especially as Y/N turned towards him.

"What are you looking at?" she wanted to know, brushing a loose strand of hair out of her face.

"I, uhm... you." he replied, feeling strangely daring today. Y/N chuckled and shook her head quickly.

"Why would you look at me? Oh my God, I've got ketchup on my face, don't I?" she asked. Shouta shook his head.

"No. Not at all. You're... you're beautiful." Shouta said. Y/N looked at him, as if she thought he had gone insane.

"What... what the fuck are you saying? Come on, man, stop messing with me." she replied, laughing nervously. Shouta shook his head again, bringing his hand up to her face and brushing another strand of hair out of her face. His eyes wandered to her slightly parted lips, as he was inching closer to her. He paused for a second looking up into her eyes again, before closing the distance between them.

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