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CW: smoking, awkward flirting

I like to stick to walls

Observing conversations and lifting them when they fall

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~Flashback Chapter~

Shouta didn't think that he'd see her again that easily after they had graduated, but it didn't even take three months for their paths to cross again. Y/N had started working for an agency, making a good amount of money as a side-kick. That was all that Shouta knew. And that she was often around the area he was working in. He had been hoping to see her again at some point.

He was almost a little proud that she seemed to be getting popular pretty fast, but he could imagine why. Y/N just had this way about her - she was herself, she wasn't afraid to speak her mind. There was a good amount of people who seemed to like exactly that. Plus, she was beautiful, although that might have been Shouta's personal taste. She was a different kind of hero to him.

He was trying to stay as far away from the press as possible and to stay underground. He didn't like talking to people, he had never liked the way he looked, but he couldn't really be bothered about it now, especially when he wasn't trying to be in the spotlight anyway. Plus, he could barely even pay his bills. Shouta really had more important things to worry about right now.

But Shouta had met Y/N again when he hadn't really been expecting it. He had just finished his patrol and was sitting on the ledge of a building just looking out over the city at night, having an existential moment. He was having those a whole lot ever since leaving UA, mostly because he wasn't sure how long he could keep going living with just the bare minimum.

And then he heard footsteps behind himself. He had no idea who that could be, he wasn't meeting up with anyone and no one should be up here at this time of the night anyway. But he didn't turn around, he just grabbed his scarf, getting ready to fight back if he needed to. Maybe someone had followed him up here? Had any villains gotten away from him lately? Shouta couldn't remember.

"Fancy seeing you here." he heard a familiar voice. What was she doing here? How had she even found him? Had he gotten that bad at hiding from people? Ridiculous. But Shouta was glad to hear her voice. He finally turned around and saw her standing there, doing her best to light a cigarette, but failing repeatedly due to the wind this high up on the building. She sighed and glanced up at Shouta.

"Don't tell anyone about this." she mumbled, before giving up. Shouta chuckled to himself, shaking his head.

"I won't. What are you doing up here? How did you even get up here? The building should be closed, shouldn't it?" he wanted to know. Y/N just shrugged and walked up to him, sitting down on the ledge next to him. Shouta hadn't really been expecting company, but if it was Y/N... well, it was okay.

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