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CW: creepiness, being kidnapped, violence, cutting, blood, knives

CW: creepiness, being kidnapped, violence, cutting, blood, knives

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Y/N opened her eyes. Her eyelids felt heavy and her head was throbbing. For a second she wasn't sure what had happened, but the familiarity of the situation soon got to her. Maybe familiarity wasn't the right word, but the situation was almost exactly the same as a few years back when she had been on her way to Shouta and got attacked in some dark street corner.

She felt a small chuckle roll off her lips, as she realized that this was pretty much the same situation she was in. Maybe - hopefully - Takamoto would get the job done properly this time. Y/N felt like she should feel panicked right now, but at the moment all she felt was relief. Relief that this was what she had been expecting after all. Relief that this wasn't just her Quirk acting up again.

She had been right after all. It was Takamoto behind those murders. It had been him all along. He had almost had her a few days earlier, back in the interrogation room. She almost believed him that he never had anything to do with this. Almost. But she was so glad that she was proven wrong once again.

A small smile formed on her mouth as Y/N looked around the room. It wasn't the same abandoned apartment it had been last time. This one looked like it was only recently abandoned. It almost looked like it was in a livable condition. It sure looked better than the place Y/N was living in. Almost sweet that Takamoto would get such a nice place to kill her in.

As she let her eyes wander she saw him leaning against the wall, gloves on his hands and a cap on his head. Still trying not to leave any traces. If only he knew that it was way too late for that... He had a smug grin on his face and Y/N couldn't help but mirror it, because she knew that no matter what had happened and what would happen... the police now finally had all the evidence they needed. Even if he destroyed the microphone and the small camera...

First of all, Y/N had sent Shouta to her apartment to send everything to the police and secondly, if he had destroyed the devices, then all the files would be sent to the police automatically. He could only lose right now. And he didn't even know it. For once he wasn't a step ahead of her.

Y/N could see how it was a satisfying feeling to outsmart someone, no matter how risky it was. She really had to control herself not to start laughing at the irony of the situation. Takamoto still thought that he was winning... She didn't even care much whether she died or not anymore. Not like she had cared much from the start, but even less so now. It would end the way it had started.

"Here we are again." she said, her smile widening. Her hands were tied behind her back again, her ankles tied to the legs of the chair, just the same as back then. Takamoto smiled a little more as well.

"Here we are again, indeed. Getting nostalgic?" he asked. Y/N scoffed, as she tried sitting up more, her back hurting from the slumped down position she had been in for... God knows how long. The new position wasn't really that much better, if she was honest, but there wasn't much she could do.

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