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CW: bare knuckle boxing, pain, fighting, violence

Hit me again and watch me grin

You're gonna win, but I'm gonna fight again

You're gonna win, but I'm gonna fight again

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Shouta had been looking for her for ages. She was already gone when he had managed to get out of the building. His first instinct was to go back to his place, because that's where all her things were, right? So he went and headed to his apartment, which was quite a long way away.

But she wasn't there. And there was no trace of her ever having come back here. The next place he thought about was her old apartment, that little hellhole she had been living in before all of this had happened. It was already the late afternoon when he started making his way there and by the time he got there, it had already gotten dark. And she wasn't there, either.

But at least he could find out where she had gone. Her neighbours seemed to be way more talkative than she would have probably liked. And they had pointed her to a place they figured she had gone. And Shouta really didn't like what he was hearing. Sure, it could have been much worse, but still. The place they said she was at was by no means a good place to be.

But Shouta had no choice but to go and see whether she was there or not. Y/N had been upset and she had been angry and she'd probably get herself killed or at least severely injured if she was out fighting like this. At least she wasn't trying to fight Takamoto on her own, but still.

The place Shouta was going to was the basement of a seedy little bar that had been the target of a good few drug busts during the last few years. Everyone knew that they were having illegal boxing matches down in that basement, but no one did anything about it, because if they did, everything would just move to a different place and it would once again take a lot of time and resources to figure out where everyone was hiding now. If they tolerated it like this, they could at least have an eye on them without losing track of what was going on.

And that's where Y/N was right now. Probably fighting some illegal boxing match. She had hinted at something like that when Shouta had gone to see her with Hizashi first, hadn't she? That's where the black eye came from. Shouta had thought she was just doing it as a way to make some money, but now he realized it went much deeper than that. It was a way for her to cope.

A way for her to let everything out. Maybe even some sort of self-harm. It was all so clear right now. With the frame of mind she was in at the moment and her choosing to fight a bare knuckle boxing match it all just made sense all of a sudden. She wasn't doing this for the money. Not just for the money. She needed this as a way not to go completely insane, not to completely lose it.

Which made it even more urgent for Shouta to find her and get her out of there, because she would get seriously hurt. Again. He didn't even want to imagine how many times she had gotten injured with no one to look at her injuries over the last few years. And all of that because of one damn mistake.

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