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CW: getting drugged, getting kidnapped

I pretend I'm not hurt

And go about the world like I'm havin' fun

And go about the world like I'm havin' fun

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"You're... you're letting me go?" Y/N asked him, completely dumb-founded. What the hell was he doing? He had just admitted to everything in front of her, once again. He had to know that she had some sort of recording device on her. He was way too smart not to have figured it out. So what the hell was he planning? Did he maybe think that it wasn't one that would automatically transmit the recordings to her personal laptop back home? That was the only thing she could think of.

What other reason would he have to let her go just like that? It didn't make sense. He had told her that he wanted to settle that thing, that he wanted to settle a score, but he had told her he wanted to do that on his terms, whatever that meant. But... sending her home like that... something was up with that.

"Of course. You know, it was a big mistake to go for you the way I did last time. And I'm sure you might have something similar set up now. So I'm letting you go. And I'll make sure to settle our little dispute... but on my own terms, as I said." he told her, another sinister smile on his face. Y/N didn't trust him. She didn't trust him one bit. But she just had to go with it now, apparently.
It was difficult to know what he was going to do next. Maybe this was all just some elaborate trap he had been setting for her from the moment she had arrived at his place. Who knew? But now here she was, sitting opposite him and staring him down, wondering where the catch was with this and knowing he expected her to just leave. It was confusing. And irritating, because Y/N had been hoping to have him figured out at least a little bit. But it seemed like she hadn't.

"So... this is it then? You just... you just confessed everything to me over a cup of coffee and now you're letting me go?" she asked, still taken completely by surprise. She couldn't shake the gnawing feeling that he was one step ahead of her, as usual. And she knew at this point it was too late for her to back out.

"Of course. Because as it is... there still is nothing you got on me. I mean, you could have been recording me this whole time somehow, but I just don't think you'd be thinking of that." he replied, grinning widely. Y/N's heart started racing when she heard that. He knew. He knew everything. And he was letting her go. He had to be planning something, there was no other way... But what was he planning? How would he try to get back at her? And why couldn't she think of anything?

"Right. Of course. Well, I guess I better get going then. Thanks for the coffee." Y/N replied, somehow managing to keep up some sort of facade, even though she felt completely dazed on the inside.

"You're welcome. It was nice of you to come over and chat. Saves me the effort to try and find you. Not that it would be too difficult, but... you know." he replied with an almost innocent looking shrug. Y/N nodded slowly.

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