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CW: feelings of guilt, being scared, panic, anxiety

I can still hear the first 

Innocent and frightened 

Song of the nightingale

Song of the nightingale

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~Flashback Chapter~

Y/N was sitting on her bed, wondering how the fuck any of this could have happened. She was so confused about everything. Nothing made any damn sense anymore. And Y/N just couldn't really come to grips with it. She didn't even know who to talk to about this. Shouta had given up on her a long time ago.

Sure, there was still Hizashi, but Hizashi and Shouta always were like a unit in her head. Without Shouta, there was no Hizashi. There was Shouta without Hizashi, but not the other way around. Maybe she could call Shouta. Explain everything. Apologize. Maybe it would be the best idea.

Y/N stared at her phone, just looking at her display. Should she really do it? Should she really call him? The last time they had talked it hadn't ended well... but then again, this might be the last chance they'd get. Y/N had no idea whether Satoshi would come for her or not, but everything was possible. Apparently. She liked to think that he wouldn't do that, but... well, she had also thought he'd never commit those murders and now that had turned to shit, too.

She could feel the tears pricking at the corners of her eyes. Everything felt so heavy. It was almost like she could barely breathe, barely move her limbs. Like every bit of energy she had ever had had left her. Y/N looked down on herself - wearing her hero costume, all in black, the small tattoo on her arm, all the tough exterior she had built up around herself... and for what?

Here she was, unable to deal with the simple fact that someone she had trusted betrayed her. As if that had never happened to anyone else before. She felt ridiculous about herself. What the fuck was she even doing with her life? She wasn't any good at this. She didn't even know if she wanted this anymore. And it wasn't like she'd have much of a choice once everything would come out.

But for now, all that was left for her was to completely despise what she had become. She wanted to be a hero. That's why she went to UA, that's why she worked so hard right out of school, so she could make her own way and be the kind of hero she wanted to be... and now?

Here she was, having turned on everything she had learned at some point. She had been working with a serial killer all this time. Protecting him. She had even defended him out in public when everyone else was already suspicious of him. She had helped him not to get in trouble. Covered for him. She had gotten rid of so much fucking evidence for him, damn it. This was so wrong.

How could she have been so wrong about a person? Y/N always thought that she was good at figuring out what people were like. So why had her senses and her gut feeling failed her like this? Why didn't she notice even a single thing until it was too late? Thinking back it was so obvious that something was wrong. The kind of explanations he had given her sounded absolutely ridiculous now.

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