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CW: talk of murder, talk of unhealthy habits, some graphic detail

Parce que moi j'oserais jamais te le dire la première

J'aurais trop peur que tu crois que c'est un jeu

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Y/N felt horrible as she entered the police station. The last time she had seen this place was when she had to hand in her hero license. When she had started her life as an outcast. It just brought up a lot of bad memories for her. If she could choose she'd prefer not to be here.

But she didn't have a choice. Or at least not if she wanted her hero license back. And getting that license back... even if it wasn't for returning to hero work, it did feel like she was somehow able to redeem herself. So she had to do this, right? She simply had to. She had no other choice. No matter how scared she was. And Y/N was absolutely fucking terrified, that much was sure.

So she just tried to keep her head down, as she followed Shouta and Hizashi through the hallways of the police station. They were supposed to meet up with Detective Tsukauchi. Y/N still knew him from back then. Sort of. She had been hindering his investigations, but that was not really the thing she wanted to be remembered for. She hadn't really done much worth being remembered for.

Y/N had been sure that things couldn't get more awkward than they already were after she had temporarily moved in with Shouta, but... well, the morning was just weird as hell. She wanted to talk to him, she really did, but she also felt like she was incredibly unwelcome. She didn't even want to ask whether she could use the shower, but... well, she stank. There was no way around it.

But she didn't have breakfast or coffee or anything. Even though Shouta had offered, Y/N just felt like it would be wrong of her to accept anything. She was already taking up his space and he had made it clear how upset he was at her sudden disappearance. And Y/N couldn't blame him.

She would have been upset, too. She wasn't even sure whether she wouldn't have been more upset. But she was the one who made that mistake and now she had to live with it. No matter how awkward and uncomfortable it was going to be. Y/N fucking hated herself for it every day, but this just made it all even worse.

Walking through the police station she could literally feel the eyes of passing officers on her. It was as if she was heading to her own execution or something. Especially because this hallway was just so dark and dimly lit. The only thing missing was the flickering neon lights and this would have been an ideal horror movie. But the lights didn't flicker, they were just burning into her eyes.

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