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CW: cutting, violence, blood, pain, screams, kidnapping

You know you need to find a way

To get you through another day

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Shouta was outside the abandoned building that Tsukauchi's coordinates had led him to. It was pretty far outside the city which was slightly unusual for Takamoto, but then again... Y/N probably was somehow special to him. After all, he hadn't managed to kill her the first time. And she had gotten him into prison, too. There was no way that he wouldn't make things especially painful for her.

Which was evident from the pained screams Shouta could faintly hear from outside the building. It actually hurt him to hear them, but he had to slowly make his way inside, if he wanted this to succeed. Sure, the police were on their way here as well, but who knew when they would actually arrive. Shouta wasn't going to take any chances. He had to make sure that Y/N stayed alive.

This was all way too familiar to how it had been back then. He had told the police to try and find her somehow and when they had managed to locate her via coordinates, he hadn't even waited before making his way there. Fighting Takamoto had already been tough back then, but Shouta was almost sure that he was better at it now. Much more careful. Which wasn't exactly inspiring confidence.

But it had to be done. Shouta climbed into the house through one of the windows that was broken, trying to be as quiet as possible. He had to make sure that Takamoto didn't hear him and that he still was able to hear Y/N's screams, so he knew where exactly she was. No matter how painful it was to hear her scream like that, no matter how much he just wanted to rush in and save her.

He had to do this rationally. Slowly. Carefully. Or he'd be just as dead as she would be. And while that wasn't the worst case scenario, it would still be bad. Shouta just hoped that he hadn't already started pulling her tooth or slitting her throat. But if he was, Y/N's screams would sound different. He was probably cutting into her thighs again, over and over and over.

Shouta had seen the wounds the first time and he wished he could forget the image. But every time something even remotely related to this happened, the image popped up in his head again - when he saw a scar, when he cut himself while cooking, when he saw things that were arranged similarly. It was absolutely horrifying. Sure, it had gotten better over the years, but it was burned into his brain.

He slowly made his way up the stairs, trying to inch closer to the screams. He could hear muffled voices talking as well now, one sounding like Y/N's voice, just... out of breath and in pain, the other one clearly Takamoto's voice. He couldn't make out what they were saying, however.

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