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CW: hallucinations, nightmares, psychotic symptoms, Quirk overuse symptoms

I'm stuck self-torturing

My meds are failing me

My meds are failing me

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~Flashback Chapter~

Y/N was waking up in a cold sweat. She wasn't sure whether she had just been dreaming or if some of this was real or not. It had been like that for about a week and Y/N didn't know why. All she knew was that it was all getting worse over time. Maybe she should take a few days off...

The last few days had been incredibly stressful. Her and Satoshi had been involved in at least three or four villain attacks each day and Y/N was using her Quirk extensively. She knew that it always left her exhausted and that she was running the risk of collapsing, but what was happening right now was different. It was like her Quirk was affecting herself somehow.

She was feeling dizzy randomly, as if her body temperature was incredibly high. She had broken down in the office last night. And she kept seeing and hearing things that weren't there... plus, it was getting harder and harder to distinguish between what was real and what wasn't real.

If Y/N was being honest... she was scared. She was scared of what was happening to her. This hadn't ever happened before. She knew what using her Quirk a lot could do to her, but she had never witnessed anything like this. This was completely new and scary and just... concerning.

The question she kept asking herself was... what if this wasn't actually an effect of overusing her Quirk? What if she was just... losing it? Y/N really didn't like that thought, but it just was stuck in her head and she didn't seem to get rid of it. Even when she wasn't thinking of it, she could hear voices whispering it to her. Maybe she should get this checked out, but... she was scared.

Y/N sighed and looked over at Shouta who was still sleeping peacefully next to her. Maybe she should get a glass of water before going back to sleep. She was all sweaty anyway and she felt like her throat was parched. With a quiet groan she slipped out from underneath the blanket and walked towards the kitchen, despite her feeling dizzy and her legs feeling wobbly.

She barely made it into the kitchen before she had to support herself on the counter, breathing heavily. What the hell was wrong with her? Y/N really hoped that this was just a weird Quirk overuse side effect or something. Any other explanation would have been really scary.

Y/N took a deep breath, before grabbing a glass and holding it under the tap. She could see her hand shivering wildly, as the glass slowly filled with water. What the fuck was going on? Maybe she just needed some sleep. All the nightmares she was having lately didn't really help with her feeling completely drained and exhausted after using her Quirk for too long and too often.

Y/N turned off the tap and started gulping the cold liquid until the glass was half empty, before stopping to take a breath. She turned around, leaning against the counter and closing her eyes. She could feel herself starting to shiver, but she wasn't sure whether it was because she was cold after she had been sweating in bed or whether there was something off.

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