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CW: murder scene, graphic detail, blood, panic

Imma cut you off make it fucking hurt

How I deal with pain none of your concern 

How I deal with pain none of your concern 

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~Flashback Chapter~

Y/N remembered that it was a fairly regular day. There was nothing they had done differently than usual. Satoshi and her had gone on patrol, as usual. They hadn't even changed their route in the slightest bit. Everything was completely normal and peaceful, a regular morning, nothing much happening.

That was until Satoshi pointed something out in one of the windows. Y/N wasn't even sure what she was looking at at first, but Satoshi seemed pretty upset as he quickly made his way into the building. Y/N went and followed him, of course, because whatever he had seen must have been pretty upsetting and he might need help. She hadn't really understood a thing Satoshi was shouting about, but she knew he wouldn't make a scene like that when there was no cause.

When they had made it upstairs it was already too late to stop him from teleporting inside the apartment. Y/N heard a scream and then everything was silent for a little while. So much so, that she had started frantically knocking on the door with her fists, trying to get inside. At some point, Satoshi opened the door for her.

He looked miserable. He was pale, he looked like he was going to be sick and he was trembling. Whatever it was, this guy had seen something bad. Y/N was almost shocked at the state he was in and she wasn't sure if she really wanted to see what was going on in there.

"Fuck, Satoshi, what the hell happened? What's wrong?" she asked, glancing over his shoulder. Something seemed really off.

"Oh God, Y/N, she's... she's dead." he muttered. Y/N gave him a confused look. What was he even talking about?

"Who's dead?" Y/N asked, finally managing to push past him just to be greeted by a gruesome scene.

There was a young woman propped up against the window that was looking out towards the street. She seemed to be about her age, which made the whole thing hit much closer to home. There were long cuts slashed across her legs that looked like they were there accidentally. Her throat was slit wide open and the blood was pooling down by her feet. There was blood on the walls and blood on the floor and blood everywhere. It was absolutely horrific.

There was crusted blood all around her mouth and the body was arranged in some really weird way. It looked unnatural. What the hell was this? Y/N just stood there, mouth wide open, while she tried to figure out what she was looking at. This was a body. A dead human body. They had stumbled upon a murder scene. What the fuck were they supposed to do now...?

"Satoshi, go and call the police. Call them and tell them where we are and don't touch anything in here. Leave as few traces as you can." Y/N said, but it was almost like some other part of her was taking over, while her conscious mind was still trying to come to grips with what she was seeing.

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